well since ive been smoking pot religiously i have been getting crazy munchies.. i went from 170 to 190 now im gonna start training again guys.. i was a swimmer back in high-school and i was pretty ripped from it... this is my motivation.. ab vein's wow.. my maine motivation is to be healthy for the year of 2010.. i am pretty much in shape just gotta get ripped
Cool man i train mma, and i work out like 3 - 4 times weekly. for about 2 hours a time. . that shitss good excersie, just abit harder when you have smoker lungs
yeah my comp lagged and made me dub my thread.... anyway that guy is a fugin beast.... i want my abs like that... looks like he does alot of calisthenics
Woo getting in shape is awesome. I'm currently trying to gain 25-30 pounds, then cut down to an even 150-155 @ 5'7". I might go lighter, no less than 145 though when I'm cut. I love working out though man. Tomorrow is arms and chest. Good day for me, not my favorite though. I love Shoulders/Back day now for some reason. I've been getting into pull-ups/chin-ups. Those are great workout! $30 bar for your door and you can load up to a 300lb guy on it.
a bunch of my friends have that thing its pretty sick.. today im going complete upper body and some calisthenics because, that shit gets you ripped and it gives you a nice shapely bod.. for my cardio i might just play 3 hours of tennis with my friends,,, i love tennis its a really good workout and the good part about it is . it doesnt feel like your working out
yea i have one they are sick If you really want a body like that, you best start reading up on bodybuilding. There is a whole culture who have getting buff, ripped, shredded, muscular, .etc down to the formulas. I suggest you read this New to lifting? Start here! - Bodybuilding.com Forums There is much I feel you can learn that will cut the time it takes to get something like that in half (at least) judging from your post.
yep thats Kane Sumabat guy is a freak of nature very unconventional in his diet....and hes 42 years old......