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Getting anxious, is my plant dying??? are they healthy?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by xn33k0x, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. Hi! My plants are at Day +19. I am growing 4 of them and i am having problems with 2 of them.

    First problem, it was an healthy plan 2 days ago, but sinced it's growing a little bit sideways i tryed to take it by the bottom and move it a little and i heard a snap and i stopped. I havent touched her since and stopped my fan for 2 days. If it was dead would have started to yellow/droop yet??

    That is the plant i am talking about below, and why is that leaf so weird?


    My second mistake is plant # 2 that i overfed with nutrients and it burned the first node leaves and i had to cut them down completely. Is it gonna grow normally and just take longer ??

    Here is the 2 other healthy plants to compare to (started at same date) :
    First one as you can see i had to cut some part of leaves that were burned too much.
    and second one almost completely normal and absent from burns and cuts.

    So what you guys think is the first one dying?? Are my plants healthy??
  2. well that weird leaf is N toxicity, like BAD N Toxicity. Why are you feeding them yet? What medium are you using? What kinda water? What lights are you using? What are the temps like? What kinda nutrients are you using? Why did you turn the fan off? Never turn your fans off.
  3. Might be the miracle grow fertilizer i used once about 10 days ago, or maybe the little amount of pee i added 2 days after that. Either way i've stopped using any fertilizer for now.. when is the best time to use them ? I'll use a specialized brand. 3 weeks is a good time? Also im using promix soil with miracle grow perlite. This is the only leaf that looks like that. Should i keep an eye on it? Look for others and see if the leaf goes back to normal? Im using one 250w growing light and one 150w(incadescent equivalent) bulb without a reflector as far as the PH goes i havent received my PH testing strips yet but im feeding them tap water which i let evaporate at least 30min prior to feeding.
  4. Yeah so your soil might be a "hot medium" meaning it's pre nuted and gonna burn. The other thing, if you heard a snap but the branch didn't break you might've just accidentally super cropped that node which people do on purpose. But where did it snap? All in all there fine not terrible and with lots of care they'll recover. Just use clean water, I use tap water I store in a jug and let oxidize for a couple weeks but that's just how my supply of waters gotten. And don't use any nutes

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  5. Thank you, when i repot them in ~2 weeks or so i will try to use organic soil/perlite so i can control better what i feed to them. If i plan on growing often should i think about making my own compost? Should i put 25% compost in my soil?
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  6. Hi. Yr plants dont luk too bad love. But agree wi wats been said.. dont use any nutes ... till aleast till nutes in siol used up... ph is so important. Low or too higgh ph locks out some nutes and causes deficencies etc. U plant can get too much of one element but none of another element from yr feed if ph is not right. Keep waterin only wi ph water if poss. Water that is room temp and oxygenated and ph is gud. Im sure doing this it will be fine lv.. as far as home made compo goes then i dont want to tell u the wrong thing as dont make it for mj plants. Only for other garden plants. Sum one on ere can help though love. Remember ph gud temps gud light and oxygen. Gud luck u will be ok xxx
  7. Yeah compost is great, worm castings too. I use happy frog organic soil, lots of people do, very nice medium

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  8. Wood lv to try compost. Im a believer in keepin things nateral as poss but in uk and in a grow round ere i dont av much option than batmix siol then bottles !!! If ya cud send me a compost mix wi all things i can easy get over her then wood lv to try it. Wat is yr mix? Cheers lv . Xxx
  9. Yeah you guys have super strict horticulture regulations in the uk huh? I'm not really sure what's available over there but just make sure it's s good organic soil to start, and then it's a slow process from there, letting organic matter like banana peels rabbit shit apple cores decompose, then you slowly layer manure, loam, and other organic matter that's high in nutrients primarily nitrogen potassium. Worm castings, wild animal droppings and blood and bone meal are all good organic compost materials. Then it's all about letting it oxidize and decompose for a couple weeks.

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  10. Cheerslv. Appreciate ya advise . I tried a few yrs back doing a compost heap wi my good garden siol and putting veg peeling egg shells etc in. I only used it on my garden for beetroit and flowers but they did turn out nice. I dudnt think to put in horse shit or blood and bone so will gi it another go .. i can only try! Ill expermiment on sum tomatoes and sed if got mix rite then give it a shot with my babies. Cos of nutes i think i wood only give water? Hope that rite.. oh and some ammonium nitrate for extra nitro? Ill try and see wat happens . It can only go one way or the other lol. Thanks again. Realy appreciate ya advise and quick response love xxx
  11. Thank you so much guys and girls. I went out and bought some very accurate PH strips that are made in USA. And from now on i will make things right. Also i put the light up a little like 2-3 inch more cause the leaves were a bit dry i dont know if it's normal. But i have some new spots that appeared on another plant and this one. Brown dots on one and some browning of the tip of the leaves on the other. Im pretty sure it's cause the perlite has slow release nutes and so does the perlite... and also like a dumbass i went and watered with even more nutes. But it's okay i'll make sure i repot in organic soil and not use any nute from now on. Like my girlfriend keep telling me, dont keep on trying to push nature, let it do his own thing!
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  12. #12 xn33k0x, Apr 9, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
    Every new day, new problems... I hate to see my babies mutilated like that.. Sigh! By the way the PH of my water from the tap is 6.4 to 6.6, when i let it sit for 12 hours it goes down to 6.2 to 6.3. I will test the runoff water later today.

  13. Hi lv. Its now lookin like a calcium or mag deficincy lv. Nitrigon tox can cause mag and calcuin to be locked out. I wood just keep watering wi ya ph strips at 6.0 to 6.2 and hopefully in a week or so new growth shud come nice. I put calmag solution in my water to fix but not sure how u stand wi compost u using love. Definatley water only wi good ph for a while and see if new grow improves. They dont look too bad so prob caught it early love. Hope thhis helps xxx
  14. Alright so i read that nitrogen is best absorbed by the plant at a PH of around 5.5 , so if N toxicity is really the main cause of the problem and the other things that appeared after are a underlying cause, i will keep on feeding the plant with a ph of 6.2 to 6.6 as much as possible and hopefully it'll be better.. and also im gonna transplant when i can but i already transplanted em a week ago so i dont wanna put them in too much stress again... but if they dont get better i wont have the choice... Thanks everyone.
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  15. This is my plants today, i just repotted them into 100% bio soil. Hopefully they can recover quickly.

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