Getting a vaporizer, need help deciding

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Braves4590, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. I'm torn between this one and this one.

    Any thoughts? I think with the first one you have to manually hold the whip up to the heating element.. I used one that looked similar and that's what you had to do.
  2. I would recommend, Da Buddha, VaporBros, SSV, Purple Days (or a MyrtleZap/Woodeez), you really get what you pay for when it comes to vaporizers.

    There are some nice portables too, Magic Flight Launch Box (lot of info on this one) or a VaporGenie, Vapman, The Lotus. I wouldn't recommend the Iolite however.
  3. I agree.

    Wouldn't buy either of your choices.
  4. I'm on a budget though... I know with vapes you get what you pay for but I've used similar models to the ones I posted and they seemed to work fine. I'm not looking for the cream of the crop but I want something that works.

    The MFLB isn't really what i'm looking for, I'm looking for a more stationary vape.
  5. Vapor brothers are sick. 190$ tops.
  6. Get a Da Buddha. I picked one up on ebay for $160. You honestly get what u pay for. I had an oxygen mini it was $100. I should of just dished out the extra $60 because Da Buddha is a huge improvement.
  7. break the bank and get a buddha, ssv, purple days, or launch box. they are well worth they extra cash. my buddha and launch box were the best investments ive made.
  8. Well my budget was $150, and I priced out my shopping cart on that site. For $150 I have that vape, a bubbler, 2 packs of papers, a roller and a box of blunt wraps. I'd rather do that than shell out another $50 and ONLY get a vape, ya know?

    The MFLB peaked my interest but I never take paraphernalia out of the house. I like to be able to smoke and discard of the evidence (Js and small blunts). Plus i'm getting a bubbler, and I already have a bong. So that's why I was looking for a non-portable one that can just sit in my room.

    So I guess what I'm saying is that my budget is around $100 at the very most. I know people that have vapes for around that price (like the ones I linked to) that work just fine, I don't need anything fancy.

    So does ANYONE here have a cheap vape? Like the ones I posted? There must be someone.

  9. uh no. $149 for normal and $165 for hands free. Vapor brothers is good.

    a $100 vape thats stationary is going to be tough, there aren't really any decent ones around that price. my advice is save up some more cash and get a vaporbros normal for $149 or you can just settle with the mflb. really would suggest the mflb if your new to vaping its a great starter vape.

  10. No Iolite? I got one from my buddy and I think it works great! I even live in high altitudes!

  11. iolites are well out of the Op's price range..even the ebay iolites are almost the same price as a regular Vaporbros.

  12. Very true! But the post earlier said they would not recommend the Iolite and I use it day in and day out with ZERO problems and I get EXTREMELY faded! And an 1/8th last me a good 2-3 weeks! Just didn't know why it wouldn't be recommended.

    Joint = 20 - 30% THC
    Pipe = 30 - 40% THC
    Bong = 40 - 60% THC
    Vape = 80 - 90% THC
  13. get a da budda or vaperbros, or a MFLB. These are all great and the ones you listed look sketchy to me.

  14. Delicate parts, butane(a lot of people don't like buying bulk packs of butane cept bho heads :) ) and price($140-$250).

    MFLB runs on AA
    Vapman,Lotus require a butane torch.
    Vaporgenie can be used with an average lighter.

    OP is still looking for a stationary vaporizer that can be plugged into the wall, i assume but for $100 its kinda unrealistic unless he buys a cheap vaporizer made by a company in china..or some company without a return address..or even a warranty..list goes on about cheap/ebay vapes to stick with brand names that have good reputations and sturdy warranties.
  15. I think I might go with the MFLB. Do you have to use their unique AA batteries, or will any AA work? I have a box of almost a hundred AAs so it'll be kinda gay if I can't use those...
  16. NiMH batteries I believe, but they are rechargeable.

    Regular AA would burn out too quick.
  17. Double your budget, get a SSV (or Da Buddha), and you'll be happy you did.
  18. No No No No! Just get a Vaporbowl and a heatgun

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  19. Ok I think I'm gonna skip all the unnecessary stuff and just get a MFLB and an ecig (been wanting one for awhile).

    Thanks for the help blades.

  20. np man. try and use a coupon so you dont have to pay the full $99.

    1000th post:D

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