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Getting a piece

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sodabad, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. so im gonna go buy a piece at my local head shop, was wondering if anyone is willing to give me some advice on size shape etc. thanks :cool:
  2. I would go with a 9mm shaped like a pistol....
  3. If they have bubblers with removable bowls, get one. best purchase i ever made
  4. What kind of piece are you looking for? I only have experience with pipes and bongs. So here's my words on the matter:

    1. Buy glass, as long as you're not overly clumsy. It's the easiest to clean, generates no taste of its own (unlike metal and ceramic), and looks the nicest.

    2. For pipes, my personal preference are spoons. Portable and efficient. The inward bowl design allows for very easy use, a good spoon will never do you wrong.

    3. For bongs, opinions vary. I just bought my first bong a few weeks ago, for $80. It's great. You don't NEED a super $400 bong like some users here have, although it helps. My $80 14" bong hits me harder than anything has ever hit me, and that's all I need for now.

    That's all I have to say right now.
  5. Get a spoon. It doesnt deliver monster hits. But its not about getting destroyed as fast as you can its about relaxing and enjoying your self. Have a puff and just puff again and again. Its about could be like sherlock holmes a bad ass piipe smoking mofo
  6. If its your first piece, I suggest getting a glass pipe first. Its portable, so that way you can bring it anywhere you go.

    Make sure its glass, nothing beats glass. Get a thick one, it won't break as easily, plus if you get an inside out one the designs will look soooo much awesomer.
    Uhh what else?...browse through the whole store first and you should probably go with what catches your eye, you will know if its the pipe for you.
  7. always have to recommend a vape
  8. I would get one that you can use to inhale marijuana smoke. Those are the best!
  9. First piece? Take out a loan and get the most expensive, high-end setup available. None in your LHS? Get on, book a flight to Amsterdam, and remember to buy only the best of the best. All the cool kids mortage their future for weed.

    otherwise.... a nice spoon is a great start

  10. Whoa i never thought of this. hahahaa but seriously thanks for the input everyone:smoke:

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