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Getting a Physical Examnination. Help?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hilaryam, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Today I have a routine physical examination to go to at the doctors office so I can get some papers filled out for a college I'm going to this year. The problem is, I'm a regular toker and am afraid that when/if they take a pee test/blood test they might find something they don't like. I'm 18 and although they aren't happy about it, both of my parents are aware of my "recreational activities". What should I do? And will they test for drugs during the exam?
  2. They don't check for drugs at routine exams, unless your college is wierd and requires it(which you would know about and wouldn't be asking if they did). They will only take blood if you want to get checked for a disease or like iron levels or w/e.
  3. If your that bothered just stop smoking till its over.
  4. Metabolic panel does not include drug testing.
  5. Did they grab your scrotum and ask you to cough?
  6. they don't test for THC during a physical. i was once really freaked out about that myself back when i was like 16

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