Getting a new piece of glass. Seeking opinions

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by coalition17, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. So my girlfriend told me she'd buy me a new piece for my birthday.
    I'm already excited. I can't decide what I want though.

    I'm probably just gonna shop at the local headshop in Wilmington because as much as I love the quality glass on GC I just can't wait!

    So I'm debating between a new bong...ahem... waterpipe ;) a new sherlock, or a steamroller.

    They have Molino, Roor, and other glass bongs that I can't outright recognize the brand of. I don't think I want a bong because I want something I can take outside without being blazingly obvious.

    The steamrollers... Dear lord do they have great ones. Ones about 3 inches in diameter and 10 inches long. It looks like it will do just what it's name says.

    There's some decent sherlocks, inside-out style glass with wicked glass dohickeys on em. But standard.

    And then....
    There's [​IMG]

    I really think I want it....
    It's 40 bucks!
    That's not the exact one but it's nearly identical.
    It's thin glass. But not really brittle. Nice sized bowl and excellent carb and the bowl has two glass knobs for a stand....

    What would you do?

    PS I don't want a spoon because I seem to have bad luck with them

    I currently only have one 12 inch Molino glass bong.
    I usually smoke blunts

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