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Getting a Nevada MMJ card?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by DaDankSkunk, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. never seen a Dr for it, no medical record of it...had it since childhood...

    I just have this feeling....

  2. #2 DaDankSkunk, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2011
    Thanks for the support, I looked it up and I got something akin to varicose veins or something I guess. My mom has it too. now can someone answer my question?

    I also have exercise induced compartment syndrome (means I can't run or swim and my legs hurt like shit if I do, although I wouldn't want to run high) and get shin splints like nothing. And I have low blood circulation in my legs. All sorts of problems. I've been prescribed painkillers for all of these things.

  3. so which is it, you have a medical history or your don't...I'll stick by my first thought...:rolleyes:
  4. I have a medical history for the latter(compartment syndrome), but the leg problem I mentioned in the original post hasn't been diagnosed before and I haven't ever told doctors about it. I used to think it was normal and everyone just dealt with it. I've now realized its not normal, and want to see if I can get an MMJ card for it.

    I was prescribed pain killers for my leg pains which I mentioned in the second post.

    The first mentioned I get at night and before I sleep, the latter is when I am physically active.

    The latter requires surgery, IDK what the first one even is. hence why I ask the question in the first post.

    Tu comprende?

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