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Getting a Med Card Without Parental Notification

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by ApparentlyACriminal, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. I'm an 18 year old living in Arizona and I want to get my medical marijuana card in order to treat TMJ as well as the migraines that I experience because of it. The problem, however, is my family. Coming from a conservative family means that I would prefer to get my card without them knowing to avoid any unnecessary concerns or problems they would have with my choices. I am currently living at a university dorm, but I still technically live with my parents when school is not in session. Is is realistic for me to try to get my card without their knowledge? (i.e. will my card show up on medical records, etc.)  I don't have a lot of information on this subject so any information or suggestions are much appreciated. Thanks!

    Yes it is if you are over 18. 
    QP20: If I am a qualifying patient for medical marijuana, will you make my name available to everyone?
    No, according to state law, the information that ADHS receives for the registry is confidential. It cannot be disclosed under the Arizona Open Records Law.


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