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getting a girl to smoke?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. this girl drinks and doesnt smoke but i was just like do you guys smoke at all and shes like no we were going to but we didnt know the kid so we didnt. and i was just like o alright well let me know if you want to next weekend [shes busy tonight] and now shes asking mad questions like "where do you do it?" "i heard you dont get high your first time, is that true?" so she seems curious and now the convo kind of died down and she just said oh haha.

    so what should i say? cuz i wanna smoke with her and get her into it but dont wanna seem pushy, i tossed the offer out there so now what?
  2. why dont you party with her sometime and then offer
  3. Offer her your penis.
  4. loll nah dude this girl isnt hot like that but theyve never been exposed to weed there just those girls who are like "we drink but dont smoke weed were fucking badass" but i was just like let me know if you wanna smoke friday and she said ok so im just gonna leave it at that
  5. just hold up a baggie of weed and stare at her, menacingly, until she smokes. if she doesnt want to smoke, dont pressure her. if she's actually curious about it, when you two talk, just offhandedly mention that you have weed and ask if she's interested, if she says no, then leave it be
  6. you dont keep the conversation going. she might think you're trying to force her to smoke. so let the convo die down now and wait until 2 days before the day you want to smoke with her and ask her "so are you down to toke this weekend?"
  7. ya im just gonna chill with her and see if she wants to if she says no ill forget about it and just get drunk with them.
  8. Peer pressure, peer pressure, peer pressure...
  9. Just make sure there's no pressure going on, but it seems like you're handling it well. If she wants to blaze, she'll come to you. In the mean time it means more weed for you! :smoke:
  10. Lol ive read some of your threads. One you have some weird friends that try to stab you when you smoke and are annoying you want to smoke with girls and you dont know where to go to college.
  11. Tell her how incredible the sex is.

    I got a girl I was seeing to smoke with me one night, we had a few joints, switched off the lights, had the most mind blowing slow sex ever in the dark.

    Smoked ever since.
  12. Hahah yo OP this guy is stalking you.

  13. Not at all I read forum posts on here , therefor he has posted thesetopics and I read them.
  14. thats basically my life dude.

    Edit: i think its time for an intervention, i make way to many threads. it used to be for fun every few days but its becoming an issue, im up to 3 threads a day.
  15. You have a problem, sorry, but as your grasscity friend I feel it is my responsibility to make you aware of this.:cool:
  16. hahah i appreciate it.

    lets get this thread back on topic now :D
  17. Fuck that get drunk with her u got a lot better chance to get in her pants
  18. lmao good advice but im not trying to get into her pants, shes not hot, atleast in my eyes. and ive known her for a long time so its kinda like impossible for me to be attracted to her. so i want to introduce her to bud. and its NOT peer pressure i just offered and if she says no ill just say ok

  19. offer her a smoke...THENNNN offer your penis :hello:
  20. teach her how to blow smoke rings.

    and by smoke rings . . . i mean penis.

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