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Getting 1 oz. of Sour Diesel from Craigslist (LIVE UPDATES)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JamesbyAdam, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. 150 for one ounce. o_o.
    I found this guy on craigslist, bay area (hehe).
    At first I was way, but then this guy mentions that he has more (asking how many ounces I want)...which makes me think he's a 'supplier' and not just some random street kid with some buds.

    So far so good. I asked him if he can weigh it in front of me and he said sure.
    I also asked if I can taste test before purchase, and he said okay too.

    However...the price, is it too good to be true?
    He's coming in 2 hours...
  2. im gonna keep this thread open cause i wanna know but ur in cali where this type of thing might not be obvious cops.
    that'd be what im worried about. or that'd id get jumped.
  3. Since you're in california I would say that sounds like a real price.

    If you were anywhere else really i'd say no.
  4. Still might get robbed...
  5. Yeah dude. If you don't get raped, mugged, molested, or arrested, it should be good bud.
  6. I'm rooting for you lol
  7. Hope it goes well
  8. Have a knife with you
  9. I'm a 6ft tall guy, mostly muscle...and we're meeting on my college campus...prob. behind a building. I think I will be safe, haha.

    I am worried that each ounce bag will have crap in the middle of the bag? I will check this for sure.

    Anything else I should worry about?
  10. R.I.P. OP July 2012- August 2012
  11. it can't be that bad...I mean, this is the bay area o_o
  12. I would say just buy a half ounce or something...

    Fuck losing all that money to an asshole with a gun.
  13. Its going to be hard to do live updates from jail/rape land.
  14. why is he selling it so cheap? He must know the market price is higher...he said he has 7 oz. left or something like that...maybe trying to get rid of them?
  15. Good luck man, subbed.
  16. My plan is this

    0) random socializing to extract some info. from this guy.
    1) taste test
    2) check weight
    3) check inside the bag...for the crystals/hairs etc.
    4) stuff in hand, money goes over.
  17. How exactly did you Find this guys ad? What dd you search to find it?
  18. damn man i always see shit like this on craigslist.. props for actually contacting a person.

    gl man. subbed.
  19. don't forget your pepper spray
  20. [quote name='"JamesbyAdam"']My plan is this

    0) random socializing to extract some info. from this guy.
    1) taste test
    2) check weight
    3) check inside the bag...for the crystals/hairs etc.
    4) stuff in hand, money goes over.[/quote]

    Pass him the pipe and try and get him to hit it, if he's UC then he probably wouldn't hit it (red flag in my mind) you probably should've asked to buy a smaller amount just to make things less sketchy with buying from someone new you found on gregslist

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