im guessin you mean two hits of acid...have fun with that man, i tripped for the first time last saturday and it was great. i picked up 4 more hits and im guna trip with a friend this time
lol (I really did laugh, this dilaudid is kickin in...) I'm waiting on cid too, but hopefully my brother is gonna pick up shrooms today...guess I should ask him...
i was debating with myself wheter or not to get shrooms or acid cuz it all came in town by the same guy but most people on Gc voted acid. its cheaper aswell but iv never done shrooms before
lucky bastard. i got an eighth of shrooms ive been sittin on for a few days... would much rather prefer some cid.
They're quite different, I woulda gotten both if I had the cash, especially if you've never even tried shrooms before.
Good shit, but its most likely DOB. There simply is not a lot of genuine acid going around. Is it going to be a liquid or on blotter paper?
It's LSD; I've got from a reliable source these guys got the hook up. I'm stoked too, supposedly someone my brother met actually lays sheets, so he might be able to this summer, which would give us access to vials.
It most likely is real acid... I dont know where you live OP, but in CA and many other states in the US lucy has become quite available lately, my friend picked up a shitload of amazing potent hits. Took 1 yesterday and tripped pretty damn hard with 2 of my good friends, in berkeley, longboarding down hills, and having an amazing time, have fun man, lucy is the best!