Gettin out

Discussion in 'General' started by otrolado, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Do any of you guys ever just want to up and leave everything? Not because you're upset or sad but just because randomly picking up and moving somewhere sounds fucking interesting. i mean of course there are the concerns about getting a job, housing, making friends, and everything, but i'm talking just the base urge to leave wherever you are and start over.

    i dont think i'll ever do it. but it crosses my mind sometimes, more often when i feel content with my life than when i feel unstable or depressed. maybe someday.

    anyone else?

    EDIT: also, i dont mean planned life decisions like moving for work or school. i mean like youre half way through your junior semester of college (for example haha-thats not even my situation) and you just want to get on a train and be done with it
  2. Yes the United States sucks, luckily I live in Austin. But i would like to live in europe
  3. probably will happen to me within a few years if thinks don't start looking up
  4. I once left in the middle of history class because our teacher
    was an angry black man and started ranting.

    Angry black men teaching history is never a good thing.
  5. Why are white people always called racist even though every other race judges us because we are white/
  6. i want to pack my shit and leave like, every day.
  7. Do it and you're cool.
  8. i plan to do this if everything goes to shit man. just a big ol adventure before i die. im thinking europe or my homeland vietnam.
  9. Just gotta break free man. Fresh start. So much easier than tryna rebuild what I have.
  10. Do you really need an answer to this question?
  11. big ol adventure. yeah, thats what im feelin
  12. [ame=]YouTube - Modest Mouse - The World At Large[/ame]
  13. big ol muthafuckin adventure, hell yeah
  14. Hell yea. Sounds fun. Fresh starts are great. I'll be doing this one day

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