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Gettin high feels great

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jewsmoke, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I'm on that dank shit I love gettin baked
  2. me too brah brah:smoke:

    Attached Files:

  3. i bet you were gunna do an awesome write up but then forgot what you were gunna say so you settled for this

    happy tokin haha:D
  4. I concur with the statement made by the OP

  5. I've done that lol. When I'm sober I would think a long time to try and remember what I wanted to say but when I'm high I just settle for something that is on my mind at the time.
  6. hey thanks for letting me know

    i've never smoked weed in my life
  7. what is this dank you speak of? what is this sourcery you have brought upon us.... gentleman, get out your pitchforks we are gona get this wizard!


    lol im baked :smoke:

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