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Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by B33PB33P, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. Everyone loves that stuff called keif... :bongin:

    Just throw a quarter in your grinder right on your screen after you grind up your bud just empty it then close the grinder and spin the quarter. It clears up the screen so it doesnt get clogged and you get a shit load of kief, help this hopes some blades get stoned :smoke:
  2. Eh, coins are usually pretty disgustingly dirty. I don't want that touching my weed.
  3. I always try a really clean one and clean it with some soap, also probly 15 people touched your weed before you.
  4. Soak the quarter in iso alc, and it will be perfectly clean. I use to be a big fan of this method to make little hash coins in my pollen press.

    But then I kinda realized your taking all the trichomes off the bud you are about to be smoking, reducing the potency a lil bit. Also you get more green plant material this way so its not as potent as keif that naturally builds up imo

  5. not me only one person touches my weed before i get it ha

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