Germination Station help

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sparcs85, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Hello Grasscity community. I want to know during the period of when the seedling is in the germination station, what wattage light is best to use? And how long should I keep that light on during the day for best results for healthy plant start?
  2. Your probably going to have a million different opinions on whats best, im just gonna tell u what im using now. ATM i have 1 60 watt CFL with reflector dome on each plant, i keep the lights only an inch away and there on 24hrs a day. ill switch to 12 hrs on 12 off for flowering
  3. If your talking about germinating your seeds, you want no light. A dark moist place, I use a bottle of water, poke holes in the cap, and put it in my humid attic, Takes roughly 12-20 hours for my seeds to grow roots.
  4. oh i apologize i didnt read your question right. To germinate seeds wet a few paper towels, fold them up and put the seeds in the middle, wait a day or two and the seed should crack open and have a white root grow out of it, during this stage NO LIGHT, only put light on them after you have planted the seed

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