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Germination and sprout question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Journeyman, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. So today I looked at my little baby seed after two days of germination and the taproot is quite big, so I want to plant it asap before it is too big to plant. I'm planting it in a clear plastic party cup. Two questions. Will it be ok in a clear cup? The roots won't fry will they? And second, its pretty damn hot out, 100 degrees and up. Should I leave it in the sun anyways or alternate it into shade every hour or so?
  2. Damn, gettin a late start aren't you? Where are you located approximately? A small cup like that will dry out really quickly. Seeing how it's so late, why don't you put it in a white five gallon bucket--just in case you're too late for it to flower. That way you can bring it inside for the winter if you need to.
  3. Good idea, winters aren't too cold out here in the desert though. And yeah I'm getting a late start, I want to LST and start trimming it so it yield a ton in the spring.
  4. You really need to do some reading. MJ is an annual plant that sprouts in spring and dies off in autumn. You will not be getting any yield next spring.

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