Germinating question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by mr sweets, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. I have germinated 3 seeds useing the paper plate method all poped within 24 hours put them in rockwool and in the humidity dome with seed mat under it its been about 1 day some people say lights on some say lights off which message is the best and how long does it take to the Seeds to brake surface thank you for all your help
  2. I've germed thousands of seed without any light whatsoever and no humidity dome. Ask the yea sayers what's their logic behind the lights on issue?
  3. okay so what is the best way to do it I am using rockwool in a hydroponic system the Seeds have already popped when I put them in there I had some problems though within the first 2 to 3 hours after putting the Seeds the taproot was sticking out the top of the rockwool so I took them out and reposition the the seeds and straighten it out
  4. the best way is to put your seed about 2-3cm deep and wait. you may aswell have the light on because in a couple of days they will need it anyway and it will be ready for them. I don't see the point in paper towels and all that shit. it offers no advantage. it's all psychological, you see the seed crack, then see roots so you think it's doing something extra but in reality this will be taking place in the soil or rockwool anyway, you just can't see it.

    as for your taproot coming out, it sounds like the seed wasn't deep enough . don't use a dome, seedlings need to breath, train a fan on them. a dome will suffocate them, good when rooting clones but no good for seedlings
  5. So how do I fix the taproot now
  6. depends how far gone it is. if you gently tear open the rockwool you should be able to sort it out. probably easier just to put another seed in though

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