George Washington is my hero.

Discussion in 'General' started by Alphå, Mar 5, 2006.

  1. We all know the man grew and quite possibly smoked weed. But theres way more to him then that. The guy had some amazing insight, especially for an old man in the 18th century.

    First, he warned against political parties. It seems to be an unwritten rule that most cannabis supporters seem to be liberal, and its not uncommon to hear "damn republicans are..." and stuff like that.

    The parties are what ruined America, and we're seeing it even more now (well not now, but in 08 its going to be horrible). In GW's farewell address from presidency, he said we should focus more on the prospect of democracy rather then fighting a two party popularity contest that can only result in civil war.

    The guy worked his way up the militaryranks from major to commander in chief, and effectively ousted the British military from our American soil.

    A stoner, a born rebel, and an insightful man. Respect.
  2. and he did it all with an education equivalent to elementary school

    I believe he was a libertarian?

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