geographic help

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by bayoublaster, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. #1 bayoublaster, Aug 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2012
    im along the gulf coast where humidity stays above 75 % most of the time. my question is should i be worried about mold mildew. and if so whats some tricks to keep it at bay. i will only be able to visit my plot once a week or so.

    thanks all


    this is good right?
  2. [quote name='"bayoublaster"']im along the gulf coast where humidity stays above 75 % most of the time. my question is should i be worried about mold mildew. and if so whats some tricks to keep it at bay. i will only be able to visit my plot once a week or so.

    thanks all

    this is good right?[/quote]

    I am in southern ms and never had a problem with mold
  3. n e thing wrong wit pic
  4. Pics fine and so is your plant
  5. what sweet tom i will put more pix but from phone so we will c how that looks
  6. Pick OUTDOOR strains that are mould resistant

    Pick strains that have an open structure/ christmas tree shapes, big stretchy sativa structures

    Avoid lst or topping which increases bud sites and density which is where mould starts and lives.

    Remove all low branching early in the grow. You wont get any weed to speak of but its shady wet postion on the plant is one of the primary places for mould to form.

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