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Discussion in 'General' started by Str8oFfThEtOP, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. So yesterday, out of the blue some friends stop by my place and they are telling me all about this thing they've been doing called Geocaching. They asked if I wanted to go, and I'm always down for an adventure, so we went.

    Basically people take military ammo cans or tupperware containers and fill them with small trinkets and stuff and a logbook. They then hide the "cache" somewhere and publish the GPS coordinates so other people can find it. The caches are usually hidden really well and can take a while to find, even when your GPS is telling you you are right on top of it.

    Sometimes people find pretty cool stuff in the caches too. Yesterday my one friend found a brand new, still sealed White Zombie LP. There's a whole subculture to, its a lot of fun.

    I am at school right now, so I'm living in a big college town, but for example, the town I'm in now has 409 different caches nearby. My hometown has another 250.

    I think the best way to sum it up is thats its basically a really good excuse to get high and go hiking with your friends.

    Here's a link to the official website: Geocaching - The Official Global GPS Cache Hunt Site
  2. Do you get to keep whatever you find? What do you do after you dig it up?
  3. No, you don't keep it you put it back for other people to find. It's just fun to find it.
  4. Wouldn't it get pretty obvious after it's been dug up a few times? Or do you change the location?
  5. The idea is that you can take something but you should add something else if you do. It doesn't have to be expensive, most of time its not. I found a keychain that I thought was cool and my one friend left a coozie and a sweet zippo lighter.

    Most of the time they're not buried either, they're just hidden really well. Sometimes the caches are in the middle of the woods or on the side of the road, and other times the caches are in a McDonald's bathroom or payphone or whatever. The caches aren't always big either. There is one at my school's student union and it is just a magnet capsule about the size of a peanut and it is stuck under a table.
  6. I thought you could take something as long as you replace it with something else
  7. sometimes it not under ground. people think of some cool hiding places for it. It pretty fun and you can put your name to say you found it.
  8. there is one that someone put in an airtight capsule and sunk it in the lake behinde my house. you need somthing like scuba gear to go get it though. i bet what ever is inside is pretty awsome though.
  9. Ive been geocaching for just over 8 years now. I have over 3,000 caches found. I participate in competitions as well. You can actually make some decent rewards if you are dedicated.

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