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Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by FridayHighday, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. I made this clever little disguise for my MFLB!

    Attached Files:

  2. omg! I thought about doing the same thing with mine!! Can you hit it like this in public? Wont the people see u exhale vapor
  3. that's pretty cool haha...but ironically, its spelled "genius"
  4. Just be sneaky about where you exhale or hit it by not overheating, taking small hits, and holding it in I can usually do this while exhaling little to no vapor.
  5. Haha my bad i was high and being careless about spelling.
  6. Hey bro, how come you have a battery sticking out of your Yoohoo chocolate milk drink?

    But 4srsly, thats pretty sneaky lol.
  7. ..come again?

    Looks like a pretty cool idea, but it hardly even smells so why not use it at home without the milk?
  8. I don't use it at home with that
  9. does it smell?
  10. Yes not that strong but it does

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