Genetically Modified Marijuana

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by boom420, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Monsanto will soon own all the patents for cannabis.

    This is more bad news than good, but only due to greedy corps.
  2. Yeah I didn't enjoy this recent news. Now we'll have to pay more for 'organic marijuana'.

    Corporatocracy blows balls
  3. Yeah I didn't enjoy this recent news. Now we'll have to pay more for 'organic marijuana'.

    Corporatocracy blows balls
  4. So wait, Did you enjoy this recent news?
    Do you think the price of organic marijuana will be affected by this recent news?

  5. If Mon$anto buys up all the patents then they can do whatever they wish with it since they would 'own it'.
  6. I was being sarcastic due to the previous poster double posting.
    besides that dont patents have expiration dates?

    Im just vap my nice dank and dream of a place far far away where they give out free ounces every day
  7. why cant humans leave a good thing alone instead of trying to "improve" it
  8. I dont think you've had enough modified products yet, here try some bread/yogurt/milk/eggs/poultry/
    that we have genetically altered for you with all kinda real healthy goodies in there.

    Moar good, and less bad. Eat it. Now.Please.
  9. theyre not trying to improve it. theyre tryin to get around the law

  10. Absolutely everything you eat has been improved by humans over the course of thousands of years. We selectively breed plants and animals to make them more useful to us. This has been going on for almost 12,000 years and life as we know it would not exist if it hadn't been. This is genetic modification as well. It's just a very sloppy and inefficient form. On a long enough timeline, however, it becomes incredibly precise.

    Why, then, are people so afraid of modifying genes in a laboratory where we can control variables and actually observe what we're doing, rather than going about it blindly?

    As far as the legal aspect is concerned, however, this is certainly bad news. The idea that Intellectual Property laws extend to genetic sequences has always been a very disturbing and absurd one to me.
  11. I agree. Being self-aware, sapient life, it is just natural for humans to take active and conscious part in the processes that life has been engaged in for all this time anyway.
  12. Do you think a corporation (in the event marijuana is legalized) could patent their own strain? I'd fucking lol.

  13. There is a huuuge difference between selectively breeding plants and genetically modifying a plant to grow it's own pesticides..

    One is completely natural, the other is man intervined.

    Compare anything natural to things man made and you'll see my point, such as natural sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

    Doesn't mean it can't be used for good, but more than likely won't.
  14. homegrown 4 life

  15. Both are equally a product of man's intervention.

  16. One of those can still happen completely on their own in nature though, it's just mans intervention helped speed things up.

    Just go buy any genetically modified fruit/vegie and compare it to a completely organic one that's homegrown and you'll begin catch my drift.

  17. The plants that we eat now couldn't have happened in nature, or else they would have and they wouldn't have changed at all to adapt to the environments in which we grow them.

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