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Genetically Engineered Marijuana Awareness!

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Weed4wellness, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. The Monsanto Corporation has always been one of my personal least favorite corporations. First off it is responsible for BGH(Bovine Growth Hormone). For those of you who do not know what Bovine Growth Hormone is, it is a synthetic hormone used to increase the amount of milk cows produce. BGH stimulates the hormone IGF-1. IGF-1 contains a substance that is extremely good for infants, however it is not necessarily good for non-infants. Within the non-infant community, this hormone is associated with breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer. This corporation is willing to put high amounts of weird hormones into cows for higher profit. This makes sense because a corporation is literally a profit making machine. The weird thing about Monsanto is that they have done sooo much to fuck over the public, it would be impossible to name all of their violations against human/animal/environmental rights in one opinionated article(Do yourself a favor and google Monsanto, check their wikipedia, etc., just dont blindly take my word for it).

    Now why does Monsanto have anything to do with the marijuana consumer? THEY ARE MAKING GENETICALLY MODIFIED MEDICAL MARIJUANA, SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED WITH LOW POTENCY. I have many problems with this. First off, I try not to eat anything genetically modified. I think it is unnatural, and could eventually cause weird health problems in the future without us knowing(since we are the guinea pigs for GM food). Second off I enjoy herb because it is such a clean and healthy drug, that it feels good when consumed. I would not smoke herb if it was bad for me. If i see any research (that is actually REAL) showing that herb is harmful, I would avoid it the same way I would avoid tobacco(FORTUNATELY IT HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN WITH ALL OUR SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE TO DATE, BECAUSE HERB IS NOT HARMFUL). I find herb more holistic than any substance on Earth. It angers me that a corporation would destroy nature in such an evil way. It is one thing to genetically modify everything we eat, but a whole other story when fat cat corporations are trying to destroy what I believe is the most beautiful plant ever naturally selected. On the most basic moral level it makes no sense; all food should be organic, all herb should be organic. No pesticides, no neurotoxins, no bullshit. What really scares me the most though, is that these GM seeds might get crossed with a bunch of non-GM genetics. Today, strains are constantly being crossed. It is a good thing that there is no incentive for the weed community to integrate these horrible GM-genetics. But who would benefit from putting these GM genetics into herb(besides Monsanto)? Certain groups of people come to mind(perhaps a government that would want to suppress thought, perhaps growers trying to cross genetics to make easier to grow herb), but nothing concrete. In todays field of mixing and matching marijuana genetics, anything is possible.

    What is Monsanto doing to the medical community by creating low potency herb? It is very simple: PEOPLE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO SMOKE MORE TO GET THE DESIRED EFFECT. Obviously there are ways to consume herb without smoking(VAPORIZERS AND EDIBLES), but for the average marijuana user low grade herb means that more needs to be smoked. The higher the potency the less needs to be consumed, and therefore the better it is for medical patients. Smoking marijuana is the least healthy way to consume it(even though certain substances in marijuana wind up canceling out most of the negatives from smoking). So people are going to wind up smoking more. It is that simple. Bowls upon bowls of low potency herb is not good for our health, compared to one hit of real cannabis.

    If you still have any doubt that Monsanto is an evil corporation that cares more about money than people, then you should check out the fabulous work they did creating agent orange for the Vietnam war. Just google the keywords “monsanto and agent orange”. If you do not know what agent orange is, the wiki link is at the bottom of the page(but you should still AS ALWAYS double check your sources).

  2. Read all of that man.. I understand where your coming from. Its disgusting the chemicals that are allowed in our food. This is just another result of greed :(
  3. Yeah it is. Please use this to spread the knowledge. We can't let this happen like we let it happen to soybeans, corn, and cotton. But one positive thing about prohibition is they couldn't get the seed in their hands sooner. Now it is the in the peoples power because of the black market. How can GM weed pollinate a grow house in doors? It can't. But this magical plant cannot be lost to greed. 4% THC are you kidding me???? It is supposed to be higher not lower. The pot smoking community will overwhelmingly disapprove. I grew up in Northeastern Colorado where I saw the affect of GM corn it rural areas. It is terrible and is dangerous producing toxins in our bodies. Throughout high school I have done a lot of research of Monsatan :mad: and GMO foods, I buy organic and locally. But at least the weed isn't mainstream..... yet.
  4. I twittered the link to this page :)
  5. #5 LurkMode7.62, Oct 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2011
    sources please?
    From what I've found Monsanto is messing with HEMP--ruderalis, not Indica or Sativa.

    It's a well known fact that crossing ruderalis into either of the other two lowers THC and raises CBD contents.
    current research into medical benefits are looking to CBD content.

    Monsanto does conduct some poor business practices, but they are trying to feed people.
    if we were to farm using only organic techniques 3 times the current tilled land would be required for the current food production, as well as about 10 times the number of laborers.
    That land is currently being lost to housing and industrial growth.
    So either figure out how to:
    feed the population with less
    move the entire population to arid regions so arable regions can all be cultivated
    kill 1 in 3 people to prevent them the horror of starvation
  6. #6 Brenjin, Oct 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2011

    The whole thing about fertilizers being necessary for modern agriculture is a bunch of bull. There are ways to get way more yields than current methods, we just need to switch our foods a little bit which is a necessity anyway.

    Its called permaculture.

    also Monsanto does not care about people only profits. The more seeds they sell the bigger the profit that is their one and only concern.

    '"Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job." [The FDA is the US government’s Food and Drug Administration, responsible for food safety]

    Philip Angell, Monsanto's director of corporate communications, “Playing God in the Garden”, New York Times Magazine, 25 October 1998'

    '"Ultimately, it is the food producer who is responsible for assuring safety."

    US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties” (GMO Policy), Federal Register, Vol. 57, No. 104, 1992, p. 229 '

    this is a dangerous loophole that allows monsanto not to actually be responsible for any negative impact their product has on others.
  7. Ok how about preventing the sprawl of endless houses and industrial buildings by zoning land for agriculture ONLY and providing more people with jobs from the extra labour required?Huge amounts of good food is thrown out everyday because there is an excess supply of it there would be no need to go killing 1 in 3 people stop being so melodramatic.Our world and the people in it are getting fucked over due to the constant strive for profit by individuals who use it to separate themselves further and further from the shithole they created
  8. 1st thing I had a problem with is when you say that Monsanto is trying to feed people. They are a corporation, I dont think I have to explain much on this part, but they only want to make money, people are just profits to them. Aint it grand how monsanto can pretty much force farmers into using their cheap GM seeds to try and make a living.

    the problem of starvation would go away if we just stopped trying to play god and save the world. famine and drought used to be a natural thing,(not so much now, i would say we have influenced it more now) theres never gonna be a world in which their is no pain and sorrow. What monstanto has in these countries that depend on their seeds and pesticides is just infinite money to them. how do you suggest we feed 7 billion people? Can the world be sustained with 7 billion people?

    remember you cant make humans without food. you can get pregnant, but without food it will just die.

    im done

  9. actually that would be helpful, the gov't pays farmers to not grow their crops so prices wont decrease to horribly, so all of the farmers that are getting paid not to grow could just go organic. We have more tthan enough room to produce food for the entire continent of north america, space is not a huge matter
  10. Monsanto wins lawsuit against Indiana soybean farmer | Reuters

    this is the kind of bs monsanto does, they are evil, idk how someone can say they are trying to feed people. wait ya i do...... ignorance lol
  11. my grandfather is affected by agent orange, so I have some slight exposure with what it does.
  12. Thanks for the Information! I have heard that this was possible and Im sure there all kinds of Genetically Modified crops. I know that the properties in cannabis are trying to be replicated and although I was not aware of this particular companies involvement but I will help spread the word! I wonder if crap like K2 could be some early try at introducing cannaboids?? I heard it was a "spray" but who knows anymore,you find new startling information Daily. Cannabis has been used for centuries and centuries by humans for all kinds of needs,there is NO reason to "modify" it in ANY way. it amazes me that the demonizing of cannabis has no limits,it comes down to $$$$ otherwise we could really research it and probably find thousands of more uses than it already does,for instance i read where boards made from cannabis were virtually rot proof,that cannabis or hemp(same thing far as I know) is a natural type of plastic and it will degrade eventually where the plastic we use now is here forever pretty much. Sorry for the rant!LOL! Good Post!
  13. everybody should keep a stash of seeds incase they get to the seed companies and all you can buy are genetically modified strains!

  14. lol im actually in school right now for chem and a minor in botany, im planning on making a seedbank when im done with this school bs haha, not just of dope though, everything so GM food doesnt take over the world or some crazy shit hahaahaha
  15. #15 Weed4wellness, Oct 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2011
    Monsanto never wants to feed people! Did you hear about all the crops that died in the Midwest aka corn! That the insects and pests that they were supposed to be resistant too were attacked and killed anyway! It's not about feeding people, I'm in college and have grown up in rural wiggins Colorado and have seen what this stuff does! They tell farmers how to farm, the farmer never owns the seed due to their patent laws, so you can't do research on it or even question it! The fact is that gm seeds are actually more expensive now because they control the market! Gm seeds has proven time and time again that they do not produce more yields and the matter of fact is they want to control the world through food production! It's more powerful than bombs, it's more powerful than guns, whoever controls the food supply controls the world! Plus we already have more than enough food to feed the world, it's the unequal distribution of wealth that causes people to go hungry! If gm crops are supposed to feed the world then why haven't they?? Don't believe monsanto is after marijuana? They have been looking at hemp because hemp can produce over 50,000 textile products and marijuana because it is the cure for cancer and other diseases because of THC! The marijuana campaign in California in 2010 was mostly run by one of monsantos highest stock holder! To regulate, tax, and CONTROL cannabis! I want it legalized but I also don't want this plant to be stolen from the people!
    I also advocate for everyone to start stashing marijuana seeds. One thing that is different between corn and marijuana is marijuana can be cultivated with grow lights inside very easily with some knowledge. Corn would be a lot harder to grow inside. Making marijuana safer from cross contamination.
  16. ^LurkMode just got owned^
  17. #17 LurkMode7.62, Oct 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2011
    And as a scion of farmers going back past 1723, I politely disagree.

    actually I haven't.
    I have yet to see a single source.
    so far all I've seen is a bunch of hate and discontent, or folks who don't know their science.

    I point blank said that I disagree with Monsanto's business practices.

    But the evil industrial ag practices I hear people screaming about, mostly herbicides and pesticides, are the only way to feed the people. They are not foolproof but they are the only thing sustaining the current population.

    I get very tired of hearing folks talking about GM bad this, GM bad that.

    Any of you diabetic? Where do you think the insulin you take comes from?

    As a biochemist I've personally made the mod of E. coli to produce human insulin. The only other source is from ground up pig pancreas, and the demand for insulin is so high that it would cost at least 10x as much. I'm not even sure that we could produce enough from that source to even supply the current need.

    We already have seed banks. There is a large vibrant community of folks who keep heirloom seed strains going. I'm actually involved with them. Any help would be appreciated, Google heirloom seed strains.
    I've separate BS in Chem and Biochem. Are you a BA or BS?
  18. wah wah somebody is using good science to make cows produce more milk wah wah
  19. My point LurkMode is that we never should have had to rely on something like genetic modification to feed people as it falls into the hands of large corporations who everyone ends up depending on.What happens if they decide one day that they have had enough and pack up theyre bags?I know that thats an extreme example but we should be capable to produce our own food at a more local level instead of relying on these corporations to essentially keep us alive.This trend should never have been allowed to evolve to such an extent and it needs to be stopped sooner then later.At least give people the freedom of choice.
  20. LurkMode - sources please?

    From what I've found Monsanto is messing with HEMP--ruderalis, not Indica or Sativa.

    It's a well known fact that crossing ruderalis into either of the other two lowers THC and raises CBD contents.
    current research into medical benefits are looking to CBD content.

    Monsanto does conduct some poor business practices, but they are trying to feed people.

    They aren't just trying to feed people, they are trying to control the whole industry. Its a fact that they are a greedy corporation and their priority, I assure you is not feeding people. Look at all the immoral and unjust bullshit Monsanto has done.

    if we were to farm using only organic techniques 3 times the current tilled land would be required for the current food production, as well as about 10 times the number of laborers.

    I only see good out of that statement. Sure the cost of food will rise but so will employment as well as reducing diseases created by gmo's. I'd rather pay a price with currency for quality, non modified food than eat modified foods and pay with my health.

    That land is currently being lost to housing and industrial growth. So either figure out how to: feed the population with less move the entire population to arid regions so arable regions can all be cultivated kill 1 in 3 people to prevent them the horror of starvation.

    The industrial growth is barely growing. You make it sound as the industrial sector is booming in which it is not. Actually, organic is booming. People are waking up and seeing the damaging affects of gmo.

    There is an easier solution. Offer tax incentives for people with 1 to 2 children. Offer even more tax incentives for those that choose to adopt rather than have their own. It is a indirect way and a less invasive, less offensive approach to population control.

    These forums I believe were created in regards to medicinal cannabis. You claim to be a biochemists or tech. That is kind of the opposite of medicinal cannabis. Your field is evil regardless of how you try to justify it. Without biotechnology there would be no gmo's there for the chances of getting diabetes, cancers, etc would be significantly lower. Diabetes and such are diseases created by bodies consuming genetically modified foods. All these diseases weren't common before the biotech industry start modifying foods. I understand the whole "we need to feed everyone" but at what cost? We should increase disease rate to feed everyone?

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