general apology

Discussion in 'General' started by since93, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. those who have gotten to know me a bit know im dysfunctional unstoned.

    for the last 4-5 days im in hell.

    some people i consider friends have been replying to various posts of mine.

    i cannot even write back.

    sorry, blame the neurons.

    im out of here until i get weed.

  2. Well, i still love you :love:
  3. yeah fuck not being high
  4. I feel for you and wish I could help you out. Hope you make it through alright.
  5. dude....

    hope you get out of your bad funk man.
  6. Just don't ever let it happen again.
  7. Don't worry about it. I can be an ass on here at times. Always trying to get arguments going. I haven't toked in about a year and I have been kind of aggressive since then. It took a 2week ban for me to get it through my head.

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