Gender Identity Politics

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HongKongPhooey, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. [​IMG]
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  2. Rape is used as a tool of war to strike fear into the native population. We can only imagine what has being going on in Afghanistan and further afield.
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  3. It's hilarious to see blade's on here defending a yellow belly draft dodging coward like Trump.

    Too chicken shit to serve himself but now denying Americans who want to serve.
  4. To be fair, he always wanted a Purple Heart. (an award for being wounded of killed) He said so himself.
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  5. Draft dodging is dope, fuck war.
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    • Winner Winner x 1

  6. Well for those of us who think the draft is a giant piece of shit we don't give a shit.
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  7. I agree but it's hypocrisy to then decide that only certain Americans get to serve.
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  8. It's obvious Trump supporter's don't give a shit what he does.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  9. People with a serious mental illness are not fit for war.
  10. There's a long list of Americans that don't get to serve due to physical and mental health conditions. If they want to serve the country there are other ways than military.
  11. Depends how desperate the government is. The Third Reich drafted young boys and old men into Volkstrumn units into their Wehrmacht at the end of the war. In America, many judges gave the perp a choice, a jail cell or the Army.
  12. Yeah who wants to be apart of the States Gang anyways?
    Im sure they're not gonna care if the draft gets reinstated

    Which I wonder if they ever did bring the draft back, would women be forcibly Conscripted as well? Equal Rights and all that good stuff, I know Israel and I think South Korea do it after you turn 18.
  13. I'm sure if they were desperate enough they'd draft everyone apart from the spawn of protected classes like politicians of course.

    The US's proxy armies - ISIS/Al Qaeda/etc... have no problem sending women out to fight so maybe it's company policy?

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