So this is a second post about my eldest plant. I need some help from you guys. I went back with my camera to get better quality pictures. Do I have a small bug problem? I was thinking of going to the store and buying some Organic pesticide that says it can be used on tomatoes, veggies and what not. If its good enough for tomatoes, I think its good enough for my plants =] . I've got more than this one plant, but this is the oldest and farthest along, so I think this one needs the most attention. Can anyone tell a gender?
My final question is do you think I have a bug problem to the point where I need to buy organic pesticide, or can I ride it out?
Well I decided to bite the bullet and spend 6 dollars on some Neem Concentrate oil. I mixed a tablespoon with a 2 liters of water, and gave my plants a nice shower. Hopefully those fucking ants and spidermites and all the other wild life taking advantage of my treeenomics will fuck off.
I have one last question about growing and I don't really want to start another thread for this. What is the optimum growing temperature for plants outdoors? Like when will they grow the most at what temperatures?