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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by buddha16, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. do u no wat this means?
    when i first started smokin the ppl i chilled with always used the work "geek"

    "dude hes geeking out liek crazy"
    "were u geeking last night?"

    For us, geeking meant laughing for no reason. Its the best haha if we were geeking we were usually smacked

    well anyways ive been chilin with random ppl lately and ALOT of em dont no wat "geeking" is. is this sumthing that my first group of friends just said or is "geeking out" a real term ppl use alot when they toke?

    thank you
  2. geekin out means that your smiling a lot. You could consider laughing too i guess. but yea i hear it around a bit.
  3. or it means being goofy and easily amused...[​IMG]
  4. I use it occasionly as a reference to extreme giggling.
  5. ah nice haha
    i felt so stupid when i said it and everyone was like..wat?

    "yo u wanna geek later??!!"

  6. well in that context the word sounds weird, yeah, i mean most people don't really plan to geek out later but inevitably in the course of events after a sesh it tends to happen anyway :smoking::smoking:
  7. i always thought the word "geekin" means to do coke?
  8. Yeah I've heard this reference too, always understood it to refer to people acting like an idiot (esp. in public) or having issues controlling and containing their high. But heard it more in reference to coke than weed.

    Dunno man every group of people is gonna say things a little differently, especially if they're from a different area. Keep geekin' lol.
  9. i am geeking as we speak. if i had a video camera that transferred sight to sound you would see an endless wall of roflnuggets.

    know what i mean?
  10. yea bro im almost geekin right now, im high as hell, realized i got class soon so i threw in a dip and im chilling to some drum and bass:smoking:

  11. im listening to like happy songs right now. i am so peaceful and loving right now. when i sip this cold capri sun i keel feel a swirl of hot and cold awesomeness throughout my body.

    strawberry kush is the shit bro.
  12. Geeking? Thats sounds like your high on cocaine or extasy. Which means your at the peak of your high.

    Never really heard many people refer to geeking when they smoke reefer. Usually the term around here is tweaking out when were smoking bud.
  13. I've always heard "Geekin" as being a reference to someone who was really high on coke. Not necessarily smiling/laughing, though... Just speedin balls, lol...

    It's usually in the context "Dude, I'm geekin the fuck out" or "I'm geekin so hard", etc.

    When someone's just smiling a lot, I've always heard that referred to as 'cheesin' or 'cheese-faced'.
  14. geeked up means that ur jiggin on beans and vibin

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