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GDPlovers Stash

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by GDPlover, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. What can I say I love weed and oil just like all of you. Heres what im working with:cool:






















  2. ooohh lord. You have the crem de la crem of nugs, my friend. And I thank you for taking the time to share.

    toke on. :smoke:
  3. :eek: nice photos my goodness that looks amazing
  4. Best of the best strains man! + rep! Great pictures too! Happy toking brotha! :smoking::smoking:
  5. #7 Kardon, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    Is this the same GDPlover from youtube?
  6. your least dank bud is still danker then the dankest i've had...

    you got some connects... too bad i don't care for weed anymore... im a psychedelic man these days...
  7. Blue Dragon is a rare strain that comes out of the Emerald triangle. The genetics are DJ shorts Blueberry X Sour Diesel
    This is truly some Gourmet Cannabiss. it has the strongest blueberry fragrance it might even be berrier then DJ's blueberry it seriously is a explosion of Berry flavor tastes like your eating blueberry muffins or yogurt. its such excellent daytime medicine has a very cerebral clear clean high.

  8. [​IMG]
    GDP's sister
  9. Royal Kush
    White Widow x Trainwreck (not up to my standards)
    Larry OG Kush
  10. :eek:sooooooooooooooo much weed and purple:) how much did all that run ya??

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