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GDP - where my "massholes" @ ?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by mcgeeskii, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Im in lowell, 5th largest city in Massachusetts ~30 miles NW of the Bean
    & good bud isn't easy to find!
    Lucky for me the new year brought me a new k'nekt
    & he seems pretty reliable
    Picked up about 5 grams of some Grand Daddy Purp (according to him)
    Had this inside a plastic bag at the bottom of my sock drawer
    and my whole room stunk ! i <3 stanky:hello: onto the pics



    no flash^


    ^ no flash again

    Just got word from him that he picked up some Lemon Haze
    Hopefully I can get to him before he sells out cuz its going quick!

    Drop ya thoughts, any Massholes wanna burn it down im with it!:smoke:
  2. u arent showin all d 5g's rite????

  3. haha no i smoked alot before i got the idea of taking pics & putting em on GC.:eek:
  4. Nah All the bud that comes into the suburbs is from Lowell you just gotta look man. I have gotten GDP out of lowell as well as you.
  5. Looks tasty! Just got the new job, don't have to worry about the piss test anymore, and thinking about getting back to enjoying a puff or two after work instead of the beers. I'm in Boston though... I used to get REALLY good skunk out of Lowell when I was a kid right out of High School (late '80s), but haven't found the hookup here in Boston yet. Just started looking, actually.

  6. Yeah i wasnt looking right before I guess, 2010 has been good to me so far.
    Got my hands on some Diesel but didnt have a camera that day.
    Ill start postin more

  7. Thanks man. and congrats on the new job! Piss tests suck!
    My best friends grandpa smokes nothin but the skunkk lol
  8. can't find good bud in Lowell?! The ONLY bud I can find in Lowell is dank.

    Then again I'm getting it from collegians, so that might be why.
  9. it doesnt look like there is any purple in those buds, maybe its just the pics. did u notice any purple in it?
  10. yo, I dont know what kind of music you're into but if you're in the college area, thursday the 28th there's a free show around 8:00 at fox common. my band (pathogenic ) and a few others are playing. should be some good times.

  11. Never said I can't find it, just said it's harder to find, My knekt was a kid here at UMASS lowell but he transferred to salem state.

    Not in the larger nug but in a few smaller nugs I did, especially when cracked open. Didn't get pics of that though :(, sorry. :cool:

  12. ok

    this is what the GDP ive been smoking on looks like


  13. well i be damned-_-, blew my shit out the water haha

  14. lol, this shit is straight from cali tho
  15. What a small world, i got some grand daddy purple yesterday from my connect and he gets it from bean town, word. Looks alike :p

  16. nh, ma, we're neighbors i wouldn't be surprised :hello::smoke:
  17. i just picked up some gdp from my guy and it looks similar to yours and it makes my whole room wreak. I havent smoked any yet. looking forward to it mmmmm
  18. hooray for MASS!:hello:

    400th post!!!
  19. Me too! I noticed that before. We must have connects in common.

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