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GDP - Grandaddy Purp

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Poet, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. I was just wondering, how much/gram is it in you guys' area? I was running low on cash yesterday and my guy was out of everything but purp, I paid $45 for 2 G.
  2. 20 per gram is pretty standard, at least everywhere I've been. east coast nyc are
  3. $45 for 2g's is a bit steep. $20/g or $60/eighth is right around what I'd expect.
  4. Well, where I live you don't really see many buds that are this high grade, usually it's only mids. So, I'm guessing that's probably why...
  5. g/$20 2/$40 3/$50 eighth/$55 quarter/$90
    That's pretty much the prices I'm lookin at when my guy has GDP
  6. Well, it was $25 for 1 G, $45 for 2 G. I had to have money to buy some book for school + eat, and I had 3 other people with me. So we had to manage, y'know. :p
  7. i feel sorry for you guys
    I pay 10$ a gram...
    less if I buy more, obviously
  8. I don't seem to come across that strain very often but when I do it's the usual price of 50 eighth.
  9. Not really a bad deal but I would try to
    get 3 for 50 or 2 for 45 just ask next time. GDP is like commercial to me.
  10. for 5$ more you could of gotten another 1.5 grams.
  11. 15 a gram, 45 an eighth
  12. pic it if u getit
  13. Gram:$10
    :] I love the west coast.
  14. It's 20 a gram around here.

    But I can get my people to hook it up to 50 for an eighth.
  15. Never paid anymore than 20 a gram
  16. damn i bought an ounce of gdp yesterday for 270 at the dispensory and its bomb as fuck.
  17. where the hell do you get 70 a half of fire anywhere in america? your trippin nobody pays those prices unless you know a grower
  18. Dude, its the internet. You can obv tell the lie in his jump in preices from a 8th to a half... who would do an 8th for 40 when you can spend 30more and get 3x as much...

    For the east coast you're lucky to get 20gr unless in a MMJ state. Where it MIGHT be $5cheaper. Just hope you got your 2gr worth. I would of looked a little harder tho.. its nyc....

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