GCers and their cell phones

Discussion in 'General' started by straal, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Hi GC, i'm thinking of upgrading my cheap pay as you go nokia, into something more sexy and techy.

    What kind of cell phone do you have? What do you use it for (calls only, texting, GC forum posting, FC etc)?

    If you want to post pics of your phone cool.

  2. smart phone is the way to go, but get one thats proven to work well. i wouldn't waste your money buying the newest shit out there when we all know its going to operate like shit and be obsolete in months
  3. iPhone 4, as much as I hate apple and their entire company.

  4. Droid 2 is my shit, I have the limited r2d2 edition, it's pretty sweet. If I didn't have that I would get the Droid X or the HTC incredible, both are badass.
  5. I have a droid samsung fascinate. It kinda set up like an Ipod. It has a realy good interface and good navigation. The camera in it is realy nice for a cellphone. and takes realy clear photos and video. my phone came with a removable 16g micro sd memory card in it. speaker phone is suprisingly clear and is fairly desent for listening to music out of. texting on it is easy. the screen is big enough that you dont feel too cramped especialy when you have it turned on its side.

    the only issue that I have had with it is that some times it will freeze if a call comes in and i have an alert that i havnt cleared on it. its not a common occerance. something to do with the 2 menus causing a conflict. also some times the touch tone dosnt register properly if your using it on speaker phone.

    not my photo. but it gives you an idea what the phone looks like.

    Attached Files:

  6. it depends if u want to go cdma or gsm which phones to recommend to you

    i currently have a sony xperia x10 running android os 2.1 but plan on ditching it as soon as the motorola atrix gets released(dual core processor and 1gb of ram)

    i personally prefer the android os to apple ios(this is after owning both types of devices, and i am an apple computer user as well)

    the one device that has me really interested though is the upcoming nokia n9 which will be running the linux based meego OS, but, sadly in the states it most likely will be unlocked version only and running a super high price tag of around $500 so thats probably not going to happen for me :(

    if you are going cdma based, for sprint the htc evo is a great handset, and for verizon i like the samsung fascinate the most out of their devices followed by the droid x. but for verizon, they do have the iphone coming, but it is very limited by the evdo 3g verizon network. for verizon, i would wait for either the thunderbolt(basically the htc evo on verizon), or what impresses me the most for verizon devices is the droid bionic.

    are you looking to go with a contract based phone? or just looking to upgrade a pre-paid phone? let me know and i could offer you some more advice
  7. #8 PuffPuffHOLD, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    mt3g slide, gotta have the keyboard also root your phone when you get it so it won't be plain and boring

  8. ^That's the phone I have as well. From the research I've done, the best phones out there at the moment are the HTC Evo 4 and the iPhone 4.

    Edit: Keep in mind that the iPhone 5 will probably be out in a couple of months.
  9. Get the HTC evo, everyone says it's sex.

    I have this one:

    My advice? DO NOT GET IT. I want to get the evo.

  10. Everyone telling you to buy a phone now is wrong. Wait until around March and thank me later.
  11. Get a Blackerry Storm 2. Shit is the shit.
  12. i literally just bought a droid x. only 100 bucks. you think i'll be fine with that for two years? or is something THAT much more ground breaking coming out?? my phones a piece of shit and i cant stand it.
  13. 4G, dual core CPUs and GPUs, way higher res screens.

    If you already have a phone I wouldn't worry about it, but if you're in the market for a new one I'd wait
  14. i mean as long as its better than the env touch and will last 2 years im good. plan on gettin the extendo clip too. (battery)
  15. I have a White Iphone 4
  16. A 6 year old razr. It fucking sucks but I'm upgrading to a HTC desire HD at the end of the month.
  17. anything that runs android 2.2 you will be happy with. id would get the motorola atrix or hold off for the droid bionic. the evo 3D is coming in qtr 3 and that will be dual core 1.2 ghz and 3D capture and display without 3d glasses if thats what your into. itd be preeety cool for bud shots..thats about it tho.

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