GC, You Decide!

Discussion in 'General' started by Tragic Herro, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Should I skin my last .7 grams of dank and take one to the face before work or should I save it for after? Keep in mind I won't have any personal after this, but I know where some more dank stuff is that I can smoke. :smoking:
  2. ohh I hate those moment you have to decide like these haha I just usually save it for later when I know I wont be getting any for the night.
  3. alright, bear with me here

    go buy a sobe

    make a waterfall

    smoke .15 and get hella ripped :D

    enjoy a personal blunt later :smoke:
  4. You can make a waterfall out of a 2 liter too, if you don't have the glass drill bit to use the Sobe bottle.
  5. Well, gonna skin it up. Found another 8th for later. ^^

    To the moon friends.

    Attached Files:

  6. good decision
  7. I never understood why people feel they have to get high before work instead of just waiting until after they got off.

    Being patient and waiting until after you're off home free would make the high so much more enjoyable imho. You'll feel like you've earned it.
  8. Exactly.
  9. It's just a matter of opinion. I enjoyed being high at work, but it depends on your job, and mine I was manager of people basically my own age, we had a lot of fun.
  10. This. Being high makes work fun.
  11. A .55 g blunt? Sounds more like a joint.
  12. i would do it after.....

    i mean who wants to get back from work and not have a joint to smoke

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