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GC Why don't we...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by NC_Blueberry, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. STOP BUYING PRODUCTS FROM THE COMPANIES THAT FUND ANTI-MARIJUANA CAMPAIGNS! Why do we continue to support their cause? Why can't we try to cut back on the products that these companies make? Tobacco is a big anti-marijuana supporter, yet there blunts come so convientely wrapped in sealed tubes and exotic flavors. We are paying them for their anti-marijuana support! If everyone does this, think of the loses that they will occur. Maybe they may seek money through hemp if they see we are making a stand. Let's start using bio-degradeable plastics made from plants, that are exspensive now, but could be cheaper with hemp. This will put a hinder on oil companies too. Maybe not to much but they will feel it. Anything that can be done to hurt them we need to do. Lets pull together and think of some ideas. We have to start making the world see all the benefits of hemp and marijuana. Make them aware again! We need to spread the word and stop supporting anti-marijuana organizations! Sorry if this seems like ranting but in my mind it's a wake up call for the world...
  2. Who do you imply I buy my cigarettes from?
  3. It wouldn't work. Not enough people would be willing to sacrifice their preferred cigarette brand, their cheapely made plastics, or anything like that. Even if every member of GC did it, it would have no effect. You can't hurt these companies by boycott. Because there are SO many people that use them, it would be impossible to get everyone to join in with the boycott idea. I'd say, out of the percentage of the population who smoke occasionally or regularly, only 20% would even attempt this. Maybe less. I know that a revolution like this must take place. But WILL it? I hate to say this, but - it's not likely.:(

    Good to see somebody taking a stand though... smoke on bro. :smoke:
  4. it would be easier to just get all the stoners into one state, and become a new country like the south tried to do. and that still wouldnt be easy. fuck anti marijuana adds, people will always be able to get herb, so who gives a fuck?
  5. it's not about being able to get the herb, its about being able to smoke it freely without being persecuted and getting slapped with a hefty fine and possible jail time.
  6. If petitions don't work, an internet boycott won't.
  7. Agreed with above. Not much we can do. They are making SO much money off of so many people its rediculious. Not much we can do to stop them. Hell people who are in that business make BANK. China has more smokers than America has total population...all they would have to due is if they hurt for money is to turn to some other country.
  8. everyone on gc should just chip in 100 bucks and we could buy an island.
  9. Honestly, that's a really good idea. Who's ready to start?
  10. ya didnt russia claim an ocean or so mthing? just put up a pot leaf flag anywhere and its ours

    or, we could float up in a weather baloon, untill youre technicly out of the states(but have a long rope to your back yard) and smoke up there
  11. nice thought but like=said before you cant change mass people. just do it yourself and start with your friends...

    but really if you cant get people to stop shopping at wal mart (talking about local towns that all petitioned to get it out of there city because it was crushing local buisness... and taking jobs then how can you stop something less important ? (and less important i mean less critical or life changing or top of the line priority) :smoking:\

    but i like the idea smoke on !
  12. Is it true that Shopper's Drug Mart and other prescription drug stores are anti-marijuana?

    It stands to reason in my mind, just wondering what others think of this.
  13. This is where everyone is wrong, we can make a difference. Our generation is so lazy! Look at the 60's and 70's, they got shit done. We just sit around talking about it. We may not be able to affect them with our generation alone but what if we educate our children and grandchildren and they too follow in out footsteps? That would be 3 generations of people that are not supporting them! I know we can't do it alone but if we get out there and educate our friends and fellow citizens we CAN make a difference! Take time to educate yourself about marijuana and get all your facts straight. I spend many nights looking through studies and information on marijuana so i can better educate the masses! If we don't, then who will? WAKE UP!!!!! Let's make a stand!
  14. How is this stupid? Wouldn't it make more sense for people who like to smoke to turn to a safer alternative? You need to look at every situation and see how marijuana can help make it better!
  15. Even if weed was nationally legalized there would still be people who would only smoke tobacco.
  16. Of course, but by offering weed as a "safer alternative" people may use less tobacco
  17. Do you have a personal beef with tobacco? I personally don't care how many people smoke. There will always be smokers. I don't really care who quits tobacco to smoke weed either. Have you noticed many weed smokers still smoke cigs? They key to legalizing isn't through the tobacco companies but legislation.
  18. Attack the judical system w/your person.

    Every smoker needs to go to jail for a week. America would die, and an already broken system that is packed w/slaves to morals of others might get out too.

  19. You’re misinterpreting me... I'm not saying get rid of tobacco. I'm saying weed can be offered as an alternative because it is healthier. It can help entice people to make marijuana legal or smoke it. I know legislation is the key. The whole point of the thread is for people to stop contributing to anti-marijuana campaigns! Nothing personal against tobacco.

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