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GC Shop

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by el_shorty, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. How long do they usually take to ship things?

    I bough a few 'items' on monday. When i log in, the order is still in 'pre-shipping' status and I haven't received a dispatch e-mail.

    If anyone has bought anything from here, how long was it until you received a dispatch e-mail?

    I live in the UK.
    If I haven't heard anything by saturday, i will e-mail them asking what is up.

    Cheers all
  2. well when I ordered It was a Sunday and did not get a shipping email till Wednesday and it took 14 days to get it here in Texas but because your in the UK it should be a lot sooner because GS is located in Amsterdam

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