GC Island.

Discussion in 'General' started by Dr.Dankmen, Oct 4, 2008.

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  1. i did the math and that 45 million dollar island isnt really feasible. if say we had like 2000 people be ready to sign up and had the cash in hand, it would be 22.5K per person, just to buy the island.

    so i simplified it. say a 16M island. thats only 8K per person at 2000 people. but then thats just to buy the island. so figure another 5k per person to import supplies and shit like that. thats only 13K per person and thats more reasonable.

    so i looked at that site a little closer and saw there is one called Dog Island off the coast of Puerto Rico. and only 10 acres smaller than that other one in the caribbean.

    so just a thought.

    any one have a small fortune they are willing to blow on our dream?
  2. We'd never save up enough money. Everyone spends their money on weed.
  3. everyones has got assets brutha, and seeing how we would be moving to paradise we wouldnt need most of them. cars, furniture, tv's, houses, and such. the rediculous thing is if 2000 people wanted to do this they would have to save up a few grand, and sell all thier shit. boom, gc island lol.

    edit fuck the sausage fest, im fucking living there. and im bringing a girl.
  4. nonoononooooooo
    you kno who were the last ppl to have this idea? the ppl on the weird ass island from that show "lost"
    now picture this shit.
    a whole lot of cool stoner dudes come to the island seeking peace and prosperaty and getting higher than swollen rhinocerous testicles. alll is well at first but due to an unnatural balance of tit-cock ratio the core of the island will become unbalanced thus imploding on its own asshole instantly killing every one of us leaving a screaming hellfire of eternal despair and misery and giant polar bears. as well as all the smoke the black smoke of course being the smog from our 251 thousand blunts going all over the island shall bechrged with negative turd energy thus creating a tear in the space time continuum which will fade in and out causing richard dryfus to come to the island seeking eternal life and world domination.
  5. any person may carry a stick with the girth of two new borns wrists.
  6. by no means will this be a stoner island. it will be a place to smoke weed freely and to enjoy it comfortably and relaxed. it certainly wont be against the law to use it. in fact it would be encouraged. but it wont be a place to just veg out. every person will have a place, and a purpose and will be just as important as the next person.

    it will be a utopian society that of course will never happen, but we can hope. it would if i had the money. but my luck isnt so good.

    we would do what we like. jobs, that is. if we arent happy with our job, then we go work someplace else. if we find something we like then we would stick with it. if its agriculture, then work with the plants. if its fishing, then tie the nets and get out on the boats. if there is something specific you know you can do well and enjoy it then go for it. its important you do it for the people around you. but there is no application to work. you simply ask to work and you must be accepted. and trained. or educated as to the most efficient way of doing things.

    its all about lifelong education. always learning keeps your mind healthy.
  7. haha, the thread is back.

    like i said before i'm down. i know a decent amount about alternative energy.
  8. Budwisesir would live in a teepee just like this one.


    Except the only difference is there will be huge amounts of smoke pouring out of the top 24/7.
  9. so I'm assuming we decide the size of the island based on how many inhabitants we'd have.

    So how do we decide on population? Or do we just get as many people who want to come, then get an island accordingly?

    Also, keep in mind that we would need a sizable farm/garden to grow at least most of our food.
  10. And hallucinogens, cannabis etc as well. ;) :smoking:
  11. how does one go about purchasing an island?
  12. ....Seriously??Walmart.Duh.
  13. Holy shit, this is a good fucking idea, even three years after this thread starts its a great idea. why hasnt this been done yet?
  14. ok. so 1 acre is 43,560 square feet. if you had an island at least 500 acres large thats just short of 22 million square feet.

    divide that by our 2000 people and you have 10k square feet per person. which in most cases a 4 bedroom house here in the state will go from about 1500-2200 square feet of livable space.

    but then again most of those houses have families in them, not just one person. and they are usually fairly well furnished and are very spacious. but on the island there wouldnt need to be all that space since we wouldnt have too many possessions. we would live only off of what we need. no superfluous objects to clutter the space we inhabit.

    if you look at the population density of tokyo, being one extreme, they have 845 people per square mile. 1 mile squared is 640 acres. so we would actually be over the density of tokyo by double. so thats no good. we would need an island at least 1000 acres to live comfortably with 2000 people.

    but then again thinking about concerts, if you notice that there are a shit ton of people that go to concerts and they fit into these tiny buildings, certainly not more than 2 acres.

    but lets also take into account the agricultural aspect. we definitely would grow our own foods. i did a short bit of research and it would take about 400 square feet to feed a person comfortably for a year. being able to cycle a crop and all that stuff. so lets say 400 x 2000 = 800,000. thats about 1/27th of the size of our 500 acre island so thats not even that bad.

    so there would be an area to live in. personally i live in a studio apartment about 500 sq ft. and thats with my woman and kid. lots of shit too. so lets just say we have 600 feet per 2 people to live comfortably. since im sure we wont have too many kiddos running around for a little while. that would be about 1400 sq ft to room and feed 2 people per year. plus say an extra 100 square feet to grow your weed and smoke that, all year. so 1500 per person.

    500 acres = 22 million sq ft. / (1500*1000) = about 1/14th of our island to simply live and feed 2000 people. so we would have plenty of room to grow other things that we would need all year. like lumber. more food that we could export to neighboring islands we could have recreational areas. buildings that we would work in. a hospital. even a hotel or beach villas that would be used to cater to visitors or tourists. cuz face it. everyone would want to come and see out nice shit.

    but again. it would come down to each of those 2000 people coming up with 15 grand to buy the island, and then fit it out to be able to live on. like for example, i did more research and found that solar energy is the #1 energy producer. by a long shot. the next would be wind power. so we would have a big wind farm for sure since it would always be windy im sure.

    plus a solar farm. under the tops of those windmills. not the solar photo-voltaic panels, im talking the solar thermal kind that reflect sunlight to a given point and heat a pipe full of water which turns to steam and spins a turbine and when it cools down goes back to the pipe.

    plus magnetic, kinetic enery. that works a little bit, enough to power small appliances, but we wouldnt have too many things that would run off of electricity. sure we would have a tv. i couldnt live without that. but solar thermal and wind powered energy sources are the cheapest when it comes to whats most readily available without having to tap into the earth physically. coal and nuke power wont ever be an option if i have anything to say about it.

    but we wouldnt need too many of the wind turbines or the photovoltaic panels because they produce a lot of electricity as it is. each building would be required to have a panel on it and a few windmills throughout the island for various purposes.

    and to maintain this stuff is part of everyones education. just like in the marines they say everyone is a rifleman first, and their MOS is second. so if in fact something were to happen and a lot of people were needed for a certain task to maintain the islands safety or stability, then anyone could be selected to help out and at least know something about whats going on.
  15. ill be the guy who smokes weed and sleeps

  16. This means that I probably will never be dry again right? Then I'm down...remember people share your stash...cause I'm broke lol!
  17. I'll just be the guy who smokez bluntz and tryz fuckin' the girlz all day, oh yes

  18. I'll be the guy the magically appears every time you start smoking no matter when, or where. You light up and I just come out of nowhere like Snoop Dogg in Half Baked.
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