GC is like Star Wars

Discussion in 'General' started by Jamaican Hotbox, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. 1-1000 post and you are a padawain.

    1000-10,000 you are a Jedi Knight

    10,000 plus you are a true Jedi Master

  2. So then its nothing like star wars and strictly like the jedi order.
  3. Does it help i have a skywalker kush in flower??? :)
  4. Posts are arbitrary, rep is earned.

    I'd rather have a shit load of rep and low posts, than a shit load of posts and low rep :smoking:
  5. or both! lol
  6. Bullshit

    I'm more of a jedi then flammz and he has over 13k posts. You scale is flawed :p
  7. Post count =/= Jedi wisdom, i'm afraid.
  8. Yup it's directly correlated man good catch.
  9. It's more like

    1-5000 padawain

    5000-20000 Jedi

    20k+ true Jedi

    I think rep would be more accurate though
  10. Post is the last thing that should determin status.... Either rep or join date would be the numbers to look at.

  11. If your names in red = automatic true Jedi master imo
  12. what if wish to join the dark side??
  13. Naa I think the green name'd mods would be the TRUE Jedi Masters. Or the Jedi Counsul.

  14. Yeah they're on some next level shit
  15. I mean... Yoda is obviously Yoda... Got the Green name and the Power's to boot. WildWill can be Obi-Wan Kinobi.
  16. I think Rummy would be qui gon jinn.

  17. SIRSOG can be Plo Koon.
  18. I think boba fett would have to be one of the mods.
  19. ^^^ Aren't you supposed to be working young lady...:p:wave:

    I have loads of both, yet I'm still but a fool...:p
  20. SIRSOG is definitely Qui Gon
    WildWill is probably Mace Windu

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