GC, help put my mind at ease...

Discussion in 'General' started by Spitfire999, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. Now i know that one of these kinda threads pops up about once every 30 seconds but I figure that this is the largest group of people who could help me ease my mind...so goes like this

    -Don't smoke for just under 2 months (went from a daily smoker form about a year to nothing so that i can make sure i don't fail a drug test for a job)
    -Summer comes, and I get a job that didn't even drug test.
    -Smoked a bowl about a week ago cause I figured i wouldn't have to take a drug test.
    -I find another job which was better than the previous one, but they sent me off for a drug test.

    Now i know i was 100% clean before i smoked like a week ago, so i got an at home drug test before my test today and I passed that, I also drank a bunch of cranberry juice before i had to take the test...so I was just wondering if you guys could ease my mind about this, if I passed an at home one and drank a good amount of cranberry juice should I be fine for a pre-employment drug screening?

    Thanks a bunch guys, and sorry to waist your time with another one of these threads :D

    c/n: I was clean, smoke a bowl about a week ago, drank lots of cranberry juice and passed an at home test...will i pass my drug screening that i just had?
  2. Well. If you were clean for 2 months that was probably enough to totally clear you out. At most I've heard heavy smokers having detection times of 40 - 50 days.

    If you only smoked one bowl then, I would venture to guess that it would only stay in your system for a few days at most.

    It sounds like a lab test you took, and sometimes their cutoffs can be lower than at-home tests. At home tests typically detect around 50 ng cutoff. Lab tests can sometimes go down to 15 ng cutoff.

    Just cross your fingers bro. I think you'll be okay.
  3. If you're a skinny dude it'll come outta your system faster, my buddy stopped smoking for like a month, he gets drug tested every tuesday, and smokes every tuesday night and he passes. You'll be fine, don't sweat it.

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