GC graveyard

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by since93, Jan 31, 2011.

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  1. it would be cool to have a graveyard forum with the nicknames of deceased gc members...
  2. or members that were banned.
  3. that sounds very right...the banned
  4. paleo edibles - banned
    I can't remember anyone else hahaha.
  5. that 9 year old kid,
  6. whos that spindles?
  7. Stoner lukas -may he rest in peace.





    thats all i can remember.
  8. I really like this idea OP!

    I tried to start something similar, but it was inevitably closed.
    I believe it infringes on discussing the actions of moderators,
    but none the less, I support this thread 100% !

  9. thanks for the contribution guys...and professor, i guess its countdown to shutdown so we best get ready to paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaartaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :smoke:
  10. We don't need a thread to honor banned members. They were all banned for a good reason. :p

    The deceased members thing, that's been discussed and I don't think it's something that we're planning on right now, but we'll keep the suggestion in mind. ;)
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