Stoner lukas -may he rest in peace. bkadoctaj-banned IGotTheCottons-banned lowry.festival1-banned sems1-banned xlikelocusts-banned thats all i can remember.
"Eric805" his posts come up as N/A and his last one was "im nine i love weed" or something or my tenth birthday. weird.
I really like this idea OP! I tried to start something similar, but it was inevitably closed. I believe it infringes on discussing the actions of moderators, but none the less, I support this thread 100% !
thanks for the contribution guys...and professor, i guess its countdown to shutdown so we best get ready to paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaartaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
We don't need a thread to honor banned members. They were all banned for a good reason. The deceased members thing, that's been discussed and I don't think it's something that we're planning on right now, but we'll keep the suggestion in mind.