GC Fighting Game Match Up Thread

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Vicious, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Sorry if this has already been done, I recently made a similar thread for blazblue but realized it would be better to make one that covers all fighting games.

    Please list your PSN/Gamertag, what games you play (Guilty Gear, AH, Melty Blood, Blazblue, Street Fighter, KOF, Tekken, Soul Caliber, etc.) If you want to, list you main and sub characters. I'll start.

    Xx l Vicious l xX (360) Vicious176 (PSN)
    Blazblue CS: Mu-12, Jin, Rachel, Carl (and Plat when CSII patch comes)
    Guilty Gear: Dizzy, Johhny, Ky
    MVC: Tron Bonne (still deciding rest of team).

    If you want to play, have meet ups or challenge someone post it here or PM. If we get enough people playing one game we'll set up a night where we can all play.
  2. I play Street Fighter 4
    Gamertag is Agalloch420 hit me up.
  3. I'm sorry but this is for 2d and 3d fighting games, CoD is a FPS and LBP is a platformer
  4. [​IMG]

    sorry man, lmao

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