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GC car shopping.

Discussion in 'General' started by DankNug420, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Ten years ago I was awarded $12,000 from a lawsuit. The judge ordered it to be put in the highest interest account possible (5.30%) which is unheard of today. I was told I would be able to withdraw it on my birthday in 2009. My car broke down on my way home from work and now I've decided to buy a new car it's between a white 07 impala ($10,000) or a white 08 g6 ($9,000). I'm going used so I can treat myself to a qp after I get the car. Which do you guys/gals suggest?
  2. How often was the interest compounded?

    Anyway, I'd go with the G6 between those two choices

    I'm in the market for a "new" car and I'm mainly looking at '07/'08 Chrysler 300s
  3. The interest compounded annually.
  4. I'd say that really depends on your intended use of the car. I had a couple friends that have/had Impalas. I nicknamed it the mafia staff car since it has enough trunk space for about 3 people to fit into. The G6 is also a nice comfortable car
  5. I'm mainly using the car to get me to and from work and pick-ups.

    I don't know if I'm more excited about the qp or the car. Still have to wait 7 days.
  6. a car will last you a lot longer than a qp haha.
    i'd be way more excited about the car.

    i say the 08 g6 personally
  7. Why an impala or G6? Those are both nice cars but you could get something cooler for ten g's. But if its between those i would have to go with the impala..
  8. neither.

    go with subaru or even an infinity G3.
  9. Yo guys, Im about to pick up my new car soon. Im getting a black Kia Sportage!:hello:
    I can ditch my shitty 98 durango thats turn signals dont work.
  10. go with the G6 for sure. IMO they're a lot more reliable, look pretty cool. not to mention pretty quick. and plus for $1000 cheaper, im sure your could find some use to the extra $1000:smoke:
  11. Grats to the OP on getting a new ride.

    Also grats to wakky, nice upgrade:)
  12. the G6. imo it looks better than the impala, plus it has a more mysterious and badass name.

  13. this is true.
  14. If you were awarded 12 grand 10 years ago and it was put in a high interest account. How much do you have now?
  15. Something like 21,000
  16. Thats nice. I like that judge.
  17. do the g6

    i had a trust account when my dad died and i got just short of 15 grand at my 21st birthday. that money is way gone by now. i shoulda bought something nice like that but i had like 6 Grand in traffic tickets i had to pay by then.

    then i paid for a lot of other cool yet shitty stuff too. like a camera. i still have it. worth a grand. but i could have gotten more stuff i would have been more happy with. i wish i went ahead and bought a bunch of cool music equipment. shit with the 5 grand i really had to just spend, i would have bought shit that was better than the few things i have now. even tho i do have top of the line stuff.

    i dont question your choice of a car. i mean it sounds like you need it and hell i could use that money too. just sharing a life story.

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