Gave up believing in God.

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by dirty old man, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Imo god is bullshit. Anything could have happened to you. Your mother could have aborted you, she could have have you on to some adoption centre thing. Do you think God would have prevented that?

    On the other hand, he gave everyone free will so they can do what the fuck they feel like but its all gna catch up with them when they die

    I still don't believe in this bullshit though

  2. So what have you found on your own?
    Religion is really only any good for people who need to be led....

    Any god worth following wouldn't need a book to teach you....
    The way i see already got all you need to find something greater than yourself within....
    All you got to do is look....
    Religion keeps thinking people away from the spirit. Behind everything...
  3. They put other men...who do not belong there between you and something which is already a part if you....
  4. Which is one of the biggest problems. Because it puts those who instinctively know this is not right into a state of resistance. Resistance creates a feeling of separation, and as long as you feel separated, it makes it really hard to feel the truth for yourself. Basically, you either accept the church's authority over you. See them as a necessary intermediary because you're simply to simple to know the truth for yourself, or you can fuck off and feel disenfranchised from the whole idea because resistance is the only way to avoid their relentless indoctrination.
  5. #85 lifemimicsme, Apr 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2013
    Okay so maybe I'll sound crazy or lame, but I do believe there is a supreme higher being. Let's name him God just for the sake of it. I know that my story may come off as a generic one that's reffred to as a reality check /life change, but maybe you'll be more open minded to my way of seeing how some of it works out. Okay well I found myself at 18, (being an atheist of choice since 12) struggling with life & on the verge of making bad decisions everywhere I turned. My friends did drugs, & not the ones you come down from in several hours. I had graduated from high-school my sophomore year, and had been through. College from 15 to 17. I was constantly getting into arguments with my mom and she was constantly kicking me out & I was always staying with this friends who did these bad things. Now, I will say, these kids were all very talented, but it was obvious that they let substances tale priority in their lives over achieving anything. Everytime I'd stay at this guys house, it would be like eight of us in this room he had converted into a hang out spot. I swear if I had really felt like going through the pain of loving someone as brilliant, but hell ridden with problems as him I would've either walked out richer than before or with a dead lover. His room wasn't perfect, but he'd torn down his bedroom wall and combined it with a den in his house. He built different rooms in this room all the time & would add furniture in any way he wanted. The coolest one was Narnia. Where there was a lot of curtains and a bed you had to crawl over to get into his room. I just wanted to show the brilliance in someone fallen off their path, but I digress. For two months I lived there. Everyday the same thing, his friend Q would Take the weed order & would come back around 30 mins later with an h/p & yes we did smoke. One blunt after another everyday, all day long. I am almost to the part where it got bad. One day they encouraged me to try an experimental or a research chemical & that's where I got fucked up. Never again will I mess around with that. Yes, it was something like LSD, but this was like a serious reality check for me. Maybe I'm crazy, but I had a vision of dying that night & I saw what the news report would be of & then I saw how far I could go if I never touched it again. I even envisioned floating up to heaven where I saw an older version of my mom and my grand and great grandma. It was intense on some other spiritual level. Inching up to this event I had started to become spiritual, this really did it for me though. I saw my future husband in that trip, a Guy I had just started talking to that afternoon actually. He had his hair short, but a long bang in the front & his beard( he had a full beard) was red from the sunlight in the church. And his smile is what told me it was him. I couldn't believe my eyes that God would show me that. He's shown me things when I was younger. Like he told me about the house that was going to burn down before it did in my neighborhood next to my great grandmas house ( I was like 7) . ANYWAYS now after him coming there to that state to see how I was living, I live with him & his family. I honestly think it's a true blessing. Even though it may not happen to everyone that way. You really, must really, let me say it again, really believe. And you must talk to him, because anyway you talk, God will understand you. It's not very hard to stay in the light of the lords & I'm not saying that everyone can do it. It's the true struggle between loving and giving up earthly or natural things for his spiritual love

    P.S. I don't think I tied that all in. I think God showed me my husband because he knew I was losing hope in myself and my ambitions and knew I felt unloved so he showed me and brought me the one person who I know undoubtedly would love me no matter what & ever since I was younger that's all I wanted, someone to love me for me & my family couldn't do that nor could a lot of my friends, but him and his family love having me around and it makes me so happy to be accepted by them. So I can finally have a happy home to be apart of.

  6. The first step to finding your own way....
    is realizing you don't have to follow theirs...
    you don't have to follow them....
    lots of people on that path....all headed in one direction....
    Nobody ever actually getting anywhere....
    Just kinda bumping into each other over and over...
    They haven't made any progress in fuck.....2000yrs....
    They have only slid backwards in that time....

    The moment you stop following them....and whatever they are into at the moment....
    And start following that little spark you find inside....
    The world becomes an entirely different place...
    That spark....with alittle attention....quickly grows into a flame....
    Possibilitys become endless....
    All you have to do....
    is as simple as....

    Stop following....and start seeking.....
    Actively seeking....and you will find more than you imagined....

    The Egyptians had an outer form of worship for the of symbols and forms....
    And an entirely different way of life for those who could see the spirit behind those symbols and forms for what they were....

    Religion has become a plague on man....driving him away from his own personal spirit....
    from that tiny spark.....waiting to burst into flame....
    Keeping him from unlocking the greatest bits of himself.....
    distracting him with forms and symbols.... bending the truth to there selfish wants and needs....
    Everyone sees it except the wilfully blind....
    Those who prefer the comfort of following along with the crowd....getting nowhere....
    let them have there bulshit!
    For whatever good it does them....
    Just don't try and sell it to me....

    Each of us has our own path to walk.....
    Unless you prefer stumbling along with the lost....
  7. Today when you see thru their shit....instead of sending you to the school with the other smart kids.....they tell you you are wrong....
    You are going to hell....
    Hell...a concept these people who try and use it this way.....completely misunderstand....
    follow us or suffer forever.....

    Misery loves company.... you just give up....and accept that fast food and late payments are what life is about....

    Or do you look past their crap....
    Seek that spark you already know is inside you....find what it was you were looking for when they disappointed you
    Its always been there....
    If not you wouldn't have been so disappointed in them when you realized....

    No need to drown in that shit....let it/them here now....find the way that is yours.....
    find that bit of you that is one with the universe....always has been....
    It has nothing to do with a book....or a cross....
    No need to pass the plate....tho the bowl/joint/blunt/bong....would be cool....

    Fuck the world and their shit....
    Save yourself....and who knows how many may see a bit of light in you.....and save themfuckingselves....
  8. Yeah, if god DID exist, he'd be the ultimate piece of shit troll
  9. Exactly! I have yet to learn about any god worthy of my worship.
  10. And you won't ever do so because worship isn't necessary - that's man-made anthropomorphic thinking right there.
  11. Devil: I bet you that I could fool people into believing in an anthropomorphic God.

    God: No freakin' way! You're on!

  12. Even the devil believes in God.. So what does that make you? Just food for thought guys :)
  13. I wouldn't know. I don't believe in a devil either.
  14. The concept of the devil is even more preposterous than that of god. And what does that make me? Rational. :rolleyes:
  15. And supposedly lucifer was created perfect in God's eyes , but at the same time he has free will and chose to use his free will to oppose god hence falling from grace. A perfect being that makes wrong decision makes perfect sense.

  16. No rational thinking mind would accept the gods sold by religions today...
    to much bulshit....
    They ignore all the bits that mater...about living your life now...not in some long outdated book.... they dress shit up till it doesn't even resemble what you know/find inside yourself...
    That's cause they don't even know the last time they had a clue....they are just doing as they think they were told by some dead guys....
    No real god would need some dead guys to tell you bout it....
    it would make a way for you to come to it on your own.... not thru others... not by jumping thru living..and taking what is may...making the most of this mess while we are here.... what more worship could any god worth following want....
    Take what i offer you and make the most you can of it.... simple as doing so you recognize that this thing is nothing like the god they sell in is a part of are a part of it.... if you decide you want to know is already there waiting for don't need a book or a church....or some guys interpretation of some dead guys ideas.....
    All that shit is distraction.... false fronts.... carnival hecklers begging for your coin....
    That part of you that feels maybe there is more..... follow that a bit....and forget where the humans say to go.... you may be amazed at what you find by seeking on your own....within.... once you start to open your eyes for yourself...without the distractions of the world in your will see the spirit of all life around you...and the way every thing has a bit of that something more in it....
    These silly humans....always trying to con their way into some bulshit afterlife....
    missing out the whole time on the real
    They get so lost in trying to twist the words to mean what they want....they never realize the words never all.......

    You ever decide you do want to know something greater than yourself.... ignore what the world sells....

  17. There is no better tool for learning than mistakes....
    we do it...we fuck it up....we do it alittle better next time....
    Every time we fuck up we get better.... unless we choose not to improve...and make the same mistakes again and again....
    Stuck in a cycle....or on to the next....always up to you....
  18. #98 esseff, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2013
    . . . and that's the thing. All this religion bullshit actually stops many people from ever knowing something they have already decided cannot exist. They were right to resist the bullshit, but the need to resist anything actually stops us from seeing something else.

    Is it any wonder that we get such staunch reactions and positions? That once the human god idea gets rejected, anything else seems to be viewed through the filter of this idea lest it ever be the cause of deceiving again. Trouble is, this does not really serve us, because there IS something to realise that has nothing to do with gods and worshipping, dogma, authority, heaven and hell, or any other man-made bullshit idea used to control people into giving over their free will. It can't be written down, and it certainly can't be proved, but knowing it, feeling it, makes a big difference, in a way the religions would have us believe knowing them will.
  19. Way to blame everything on 1 person you lil pussy lmao blame the world being shitty on shitty ppl . I happen to like it here :]
  20. Who the hell are you talking to? :confused:

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