Gave my number to a tranny...... ffs

Discussion in 'General' started by Rerun, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Okay you guys... okay.... okay........... okay
    Seriously, okay.

    So, Im still in shock but uhm. Simply put:

    I work at a japanese restaurant, where its pretty dark to create an atmosphere or what not, so..
    This "girl" who's eating here with a girl friend, keeps smiling at me and looking...
    So being the douche I am I write her a note with my name and number on it....

    I check my phone after work, got a text from her.
    We get talking about if she has facebook and such, (yeah I know fb sux but w/e)
    so I ..... take a look.... and my heart stands still for a minute.

    Its fucking dude.
    Its a tranny, she/he is 19.. from thailand ofcourse.. and I gave MY number to her.

    I feel very confused right now. LOL
    I actually texted her politely and asked, and she .. or he.. confirmed it so.

    Just wanted to provide some lols for you crazy stoners out there.

  2. Pre-op or Post-op?
  3. Not sure but it looks like post-op
  4. Im so sorry man, its dark times like this that blades need to stick together. Im here for you rerun... i love you.
  5. link to fb page:cool:
  6. Update:

    I just asked her pre or post-op..

    its pre.... only on hormones he says. Jesus Christmas.........
    She must have injected shitloads of that and Mind controlled me with it.
  7. Just say you are straight, and don't wish to have a relationship.

    Unless you wanna be friends after this awkward encounter :confused_2:
  8. You put your name and number on a note? wtf is this the movies? In real life you just go up to the person and talk to them. You probably would have realized it was a male.
  9. Yeah normally you do that and I probably would have noticed, if it wasnt for the fact that I was very busy working so I didnt have time.

  10. This.
  11. Don't post the FB page please, that would be disrespectful as shit towards that person.
  12. theres lots of porn for u guys out there. no need to attack someone :smoking:
  13. "and she whipped out a dick that was bigger than mine!" - afroman
  14. Fuck that guy^^^ but THAT^^^^
  15. Haha, at least he or she told you the truth, and wasn't on some "no im a girl, lets hang out. creeper/clingy shit." But you definitely provided me with some lol's good story.
  16. Should have fucked it.
  17. At least post a picture.
  18. If its post op then he/she is all game

    Stick it in its penis/vagina hole op

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