
Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by panicandrew, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Does basically every head shop sell glass gauzes?
    There's one head shop here on PEI where I live and it's pretty small and overpriced but I have no idea if they sell glass gauzes or not.
    I just lost the last one I had, and I was wondering if generally all head shops sell them?

    Also, how the fuck do I even pronounce gauze?

    Thanks.. lol.
  2. Just go in and ask. They usually will.
  3. ph mannnnnnn
    it was in my pocket

    anyway.. goz?
    how do you say goz
  4. err wats a goz guys?
  5. Why not just call it a glass screen?
  6. Because it isn't a screen.
  7. Perhaps lay off the weed a bit till you can pronounce one syllable words?
  8. gor-z is how its pronounced,

  9. disagree

  10. depends if your american or not but in england thats how its pronounced
  11. even though there is not a R in the word

    do people from england call it a Br-ong
  12. Did you mean to put "gowz" instead of "gor-z" the first post? Because the link didn't pronounce it like "gor-z".

    I dont see where the "r" came from.
  13. gaw-ze easy to say
  14. You could call them "those glass thingies that go into my glass pipe or go on ebay their called "GLASS PIPE SCREENS"..I hope you find them...:smoking:

  15. no people from england call it a bong, but that is said how its spelt whereas gauze is not. i was just trying to answer someone's question and you start coming out with random stuff that doesnt need to be said. GOR as in woah that game has a lot of gore in it, and then put a Z on the end and you got gorz which imo is how you pronounce gauze
  16. There is no such thing as an "O" being pronounced as an "R" in the English language. I'm assuming you live somewhere in Northeastern England if you pronounce it like Garz. That simply makes no logical sense in the English language. It is pronounced Gawz for the O.P.

  17. garz and gOrz are different, i don't know how someone can get confused between an O and an A

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