Alright, so I got back a little while ago from Burlington, I was reeal fucked up most of the time, so I went out on a whim and got both of my ears pierced to a 10g, which looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. So here's my question, the guy at the shop told me to let it heal for at least 6 weeks before I do anything else to them, which is alright. After that six weeks I'm gonna go to an 8, how long should I wait after that to go to a 6? And so on... Any help would be appreciated.
2-4 weeks, it's usually when you can put them in easy and there is no more build up of "Gunk" around the hole that worked for me, i went from a 14 to a 8 very slowly though WOOT JUST GOT MY 6S IN thanks for putting this thread up, haha i can finally put my 6s in, niiiice
Ive seen some cool gauges and then some lame ones, but I guess its if it looks right on the person is whether it works or not. Got any pictures of your gauges?
nah, i don't have a digital cam, all i have is a phone and the quality is horrible mine look good on me though, i have long emo hair and emo ray ban glasses haha
I'll see what I can do, I just got home from work and I'm tired as fuck and about to blaze a dutch, so I might forget, lol.