Gatorade as bong water

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by FreshXD, May 15, 2011.

  1. wtf people i come back to gc and first thread i see is a gang of kids crying because someone asked a question.....its a shame really
  2. Cold milk.

    Thickest smoke I've ever seen.
  3. Not funny. Milk has fat which will absorb a good deal of THC.
  4. Ive tried it with gatorade, sprite, beer, snow, vodka even, long time ago prolly wouldnt try again
  5. #25 RickyTokes, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    The electrolytes take away some of the thc is what I've been told. Not sure if that's 100% though

  6. if you want a smooth smoke... dump a load of ice into your bong, will be smoother than Barry white!
  7. #27 deadkamakazi, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2011
    Haha havnt heard barry white in a while hes chef right?

    Edit: nvm that was isaac hayse
  8. Cold water and ice, keep it clean as hell so if it ever spills it won't stink.
  9. Natty Ice as bong water ftw !
  10. not sure why gotta be so rude, how is he a troll for asking a question that im sure alot of us have thought. who cares if he's a new smoker or if he discoveredt he first plant? i hate when people gotta be dicks for no reason. he never claimed to be aseasoned smoker or know everyhting about it, or has nearly the expoerience that you obviously know. -if we all knew EVERYTHING about bud like you do, nobody would need to ask any questions
  11. like you said, im not 100% sure either, but fat, alcohol, and now electrolytes absorb thc. in theory, i can understand why someohne would say milk due to the fat, since its stored in fat cells in the body. but i really dont see how logically it would bind to it more then simple water ina bong. technically tis just passing over the surface, even if the surface ina bong would be round and bubble shaped. but the electrolytes, i cant find find anything online about this. i am very glkad you did write its what you heard and didnt claim it as fact. like me, since you didnt know, you said that. i ahte when people claims things as fact then just ignore the people that ask for a link or any sort of proof. ive never tried this with gatorade, so my guess is quite an uneducated one
  12. #32 KGann, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Whaaaaaaa? How old are you man? The only reference to a Motown legend you could come up with was a South Park one? Maybe I'm just getting old, but I never thought anyone old enough to toke was too young to know who Barry White is.
  13. THC or tetrahydrocanabanoil is water insoluble...gatorade = made from water and additives. the solvent is water. Therefore not true. You should be fine...but as mentioned will make your glass sticky
  14. I feel like if he posted that in the beginner no one would be able to answer cause it's a bunch of beginners. So I guess he posted it in the right place

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