Gas Masks

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by chriskw, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. So, I've heard many different things about gas masks-
    "They get you baked as hell"
    "They don't get you any more high than just bong rips"
    "It gives you acne" blah blah blah.

    So I just want some feedback from some fellow stoners. Tell me anything worth noting. Thanks in advance!!!
  2. Ex girlfriend had one, got some maui-waui from her trip to hawaii. (wow!)

    Pros (+)
    -crazy high, full taste as well as nasal, and oral hit
    -one hitter quitter(can pack a medium bowl,take a hit,chill for a while,take another,etc.)

    Cons (-)
    -very inefficient if used incorrectly.
    (Many people overfill, or get bic happy and burn an entire bowl in one hit)
    -Very, Very harsh.
    -Eyes burn immediately, and intensely
    -Decent rigs are WAY overpriced, many better glass on glass bongs at comparable prices.

    They're undeniably fun, but is it really worth it?
  3. They make your face smell for a really long time. Didn't get me any higher than a bong.
  4. I don't know about my face smelling? I mean if you leave it strapped on for a whil you're gonna sweat....

    i used to use one a couple years ago. Mad fun, basically destroys you.

    That pro/con list is kinda harsh but somewhat true too.

    I mean expensive, nah just go to an army/navy supply store. easy and cheap.
    attach to cheap acrylic bong. easy and cheap.

    it gets you wrecked, good for special occasions or when you want a bowl to destroy you for a while.
  5. i just close my eyes so they don't burn. it's not like you can see anything when you're ripping it anyway.
  6. I think there a waste of money. my buddy has one, and he also has a beaker Roor. he ask me all the time what I want to smoke out of, and I choose the bong over the mask every time.

    I hate it.
  7. Not smelling like b.o. I mean smelling like weed.
  8. #9 Paper Navigator, Apr 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2010
    Those are fucking stupid in my opinion.

    I mean really? A gas mask? That's just too much.

    Ugh, I don't even know where to begin...
  9. Personally I think they're for novelty only. I have smoked out of one once and that was enough for me. I'll stick to my glass tubes, thanks! :smoking:

    but really, it's all just a matter of personal preference. :D

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