I have had a gas mask for sometime now, an i decided to finally smoke out of it, but when I go to hit it is can barely draw any air. Makes it hard to hit a steam roller out of it. Any ideas?
Not to be a douche, but those gas mask bongs really aren't made for function - more to get attention at a party or something unfortunately. I doubt you're doing anything wrong, it probably just doesn't function well.
I like them; they are fun to smoke out of. My old roommate had one, and it was like a sideshow attraction when his friends were there and id smoke from it because i was the only one in the group who could clear it in one hit
Damn i got one of those from my toking buddies for my Bday, been lying here ever since but after seeing this topic i'm inclined to try it now Never tried it before since these are supposed to destroy you, but the bowl on mine is like half the size of all my other glass pipe bowls
I just smoked out of mine brings me back to the old days. Lmfao Sent from my SM-G928V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Just tried mine too, it really is more of a 2 man operation tho... Couldn't see the bowl with the mask on had to bend it a bit so i could see the bowl. It was fun but damn that's alot of work to get high Took another hit from the daily driver and now i'm gettin there