So I finally got my 4" Coollink silent whisper fan in the mail, hooked it up to my cab exhaust+homemade carbon filter, and lit up a jay to test it out. Seems like some air is definately being pushed through the filter but I noticed while watching the smoke that it seems like there is air being forced away from the fan in a sideways direction. if you look at my setup the fan is on the top right fairly close to the wall. I feel like the fan should only be sucking air in....not pushing any out, and it seems to be doing both. I figure my fan isnt strong enough to push through the filter, I have an air leak at some connection, or there's weird pressure shit going on because my fan is so close to the wall. Any ideas? Could use some help as I dont want my room wreaking of flowering bud.
When you say its coming out side ways, Are you meaning along the edge of the fan's frame where the wires are coming from in your pic? If So, you may want to try and run some cardboard, or tap around the outside edges which should help guide the air through the system. Because at the moment its going for the path of least resistance. Kinda think of Air like water when it comes to fans to help picture it in your head. The air hits the screen/filter and splashes off and flows out the sides.