Sup blades, this is my third grow - the other two have been highly unsuccessful as I only grew one plant and both times it turned out to be a male plant. This time things will hopefully be different, for a few reasons! The first is that I've got 5 on the go and am considering planting a whole heap more in there - law of averages says a few must be female, surely, and I can certainly spare the space so I can't see why not to. Second thing is that I've only grown in pots before... even though there's a giant vege patch in my backyard that just sits there not getting used. So I'm using it, and letting my plants grow directly into the ground - the soil here is very, very poor (almost like beach sand) but the vege patch has relatively good soil in comparison to normal soil as we used to keep chickens in there a couple of years ago and they hopefully have fertilised the place nicely. Third thing is that I've planted these to go with spring/summer starting up here, which I previously hadn't done - I had my previous plants growing in winter. I live in rural Western Australia, where 45 degree celcius days in the summer aren't uncommon and the sun shines (very, very, VERY brightly) for 12 hours or more a day, so my hope is that the plants are going to BASK in this sun and grow nice and strong in the spring so as to best endure the ferocious summer ahead. So, after this waffling, let's see the plants and patch, shall we? That's the patch - an octagon of roughly 2 metres or so per face. Behold another view of the patch! So, that's the patch. If you look above, you can see a pile of pea-hay in the center of the patch - all of the 5 plants are on the other side of that pile, so less than half the space is being used for growing at the moment. The plants are as follows - My biggest one. The bottom leaves, as you can see, were brutalised by snails, but they don't seem to have given this plant any grief as of late. This shot (and all of the others) was taken at about 1 o'clock on a 35 degree day... and as you can see, far from having droopy, sun-stressed leaves she's absolutely soaking up the sun and has consequently been growing fairly quickly. Speaking of which, this is my quickest growing plant in general - I planted her seed straight into the ground, without bothering about growing the seedling in a pot and transplanting. This be the second one. The broader leaves seen on this plant seem to be a trait associated with plants grown from white, immature seeds, or that's what I've discovered. This one is a relatively slow grower, but she's starting to take off a bit more as of late I think. Less promising plant - snail damage and slow growth all round. This one came from a white seed I think, so I'm not overly fussed as I've got a shitload of these immature, white seeds and less of the good, beautiful speckled brown ones - which are, by the way, among the most lovely looking objects in existence. This one, and the following plant, were actually germinated/put in the ground at the same time as the other plants. The reason they're so stunted in comparison is, I think, because they were in pots while the others were put straight in the soil. Whatever the actual reason, these ones were just sitting in their pots day after day not growing at all, so I've put them into the ground in the hope that they'll start growing a bit... Yep. 5th one ain't much to look at... So, that's the grow as it stands at the moment. The plants have been in the ground 2 weeks or so, perhaps a little bit longer. I plan to update this with pics every day, two days or so, for anyone who's interested - and if no one's interested, I'll update anyhow, so I can have the personal satisfaction of keeping a running journal of my grow! EDIT: Pics were fucking gigantic, tinypic always seems to do this to me. I resized the pictures to an acceptable level when I was writing the post, but that resizing doesn't seem to have made a jot of difference to the actual post. I'm so sick of this problem, it PLAGUES me... if anyone has an answer to it, please tell me - if not, I'll just post a link to the pic from here on in...
Lookin good mate Bit infront of mine, mine are about 2 and a half weeks old, got about 4 sets of leaves on em Hehe wish i had property, mine are out in the bush behind my house on the coast
Very nice, gives justice to the good name of 'bushies'... hopefully your house isn't quite coastal enough to cop the miserable salty soil
Very nice start brotha. Lookin' forward to seeing some huge trees with huge sticky buds on them! Positive vibes!
Alrighty, update - these pics were taken a day ago, forgot to upload them yesterday... anyhow, here's the update! This is my most promising plant, here-on to be called Margaret. She's growing new leaves like a motherfucker... This here (with the big, broad leaves) is here-on to be called Daisy. Still growing slow, but I had a look today and her next leaf set has grown to a somewhat greater prominence - not that the shitty photo here shows it though. Henrietta, with her poor snail-bitten leaves. Once again, she's beginning to shoot up, with her next leaf set a whole lot more prominent than it looked yesterday. Sorta wish I got photos of the plants TODAY, now that I think about it... This is Steven, who I swear looks quite significantly larger. And this is Dud, who is so named because I think Dud will be dead soon. Got my fingers crossed though... I'll try to update this tomorrow, which will be the plants 2 days from their condition here.
very nice garden. I'm envious of folks who can get away with growing herb the way I grow vegetables. Hope you harvest a year's supply.
Christ man, I'd be happy to harvest SOMETHING, anything besides another shitload of pollen sacs and a big bucket of leaves! Cheers for the good vibes and envy!
Holy shit... hello, Mr Anon, I believe we know each other! Or you know me, at the least... might just have to shoot you a private message to investigate this further
Hey mate, almost time for an update with pics? I think i may take a coupla pictures too, ill share them if you like? =] Mine are growing quite fast, awesome soil, good nutrients, 8+ hours sun.. They are about 8 inches tall.
Yeah man, took some pics today to update with tonight... feel very free to dump some of your pics here man, I'd love to take a look at them
Here's an update! This is Margaret, who's grown a fair bit. She's now got 3 fully developed leaf sets, with her fourth very nearly grown... as well as a lot of internode growth. Here's Daisy, who hasn't grown all that much. Broader than the other plants from the outset (broader leaves, a squatter plant 'shape'), she's wider than she is tall. Thinking of LST'ing her... Henrietta, who IS bigger now. Still the smallest of the three that I planted directly into the ground, but she's growing. Slowly but surely. Steven. The pic doesn't show it, but he's quite a lot smaller than Henrietta, in spite of looking very similar in the pics
The seeds were from bud that was pretty average and they're growing in soil little better than beach sand, but I'm expecting them to thrive on neglect. Very strongly thinking about planting a few more in some nicer soil, but things start to become more legally and socially complex when I have seven or eight plants chillin' in the vege patch. The fence is just picket and so my neighbour on one side and behind our block can fairly well see the whole thing, but my neighbours are cool with it or at least seem to tolerate it. Either way, we can anticipate SOME buds, unless all 4 of them turn out to be males...
Yea, outdoor grows are certainly trickier than anything I would attempt now. I actually have attempted 2 outdoor grows myself which both ended in failure due to massive amounts of rain at the only time of year I had access to a suitable growing environment (middle of the woods behind a buddies house). Anyways, I don't want to put any pressure on you. Worst case, I'm betting that at least one will be a female and it will produce buds good enough to smoke.
No pressure-feelings were taken man, I'm looking forward to sharing whatever buds are grown on here... with some of my famous TLC, they might even be something to behold The important thing is to TRY, I think - it doesn't matter if they all get drowned, cooked to death by the sun or end up being males. I mean, it DOES, because I certainly wouldn't mind having a big ice cream container full of buds at the end of the summer, but the lasting and symbolic thing to savour is the act of growing them.
Terrible news, blades... Margaret, it seems, is no longer Margaret. I can't actually think of the masculine version of Margaret, but if there is one he'd be called that now, because he is certainly a he. Observe the pollen sacs... sigh Funny thing is that he's rather small to have undergone sexual determination. As the following pic illustrates, he's no taller than a netball - it wouldn't even be a stretch to say he's DWARFED by the netball I'll probably leave him in the ground for another day or two just to make sure pistils don't come bursting out of the sacs, but I'm 99% sure he's a male... Anyhow, no time for an update on the other plants now, but expect one tonight showing the rest of them in their glory...