Just for blades that have a headset and actually use that shit. Any games, doesnt matter. Makes gaming so much more fun, especially if we're all blitzed GT: x Shade 45
Gazelle612 I'm down for some mw3, haven't played it in a few months though, so don't expect some SandyRavage shit or anything
GT: BlackenedReign Borderlands, Fifa 12, RDR, Skyrim, Red Faction, Black Ops Zombies, anything really.
Good thread idea! Glad I caught this one on my current threads. GT: Herbal Dreamin Games: BF3, MW3,BO. Mainly bf3 recently, got to 12th prestige in mw3 and started getting bored. Hit me up! I'm on a lot, just send me a MSG saying you from GC.
My gamertag is xBruce Lee Add me blades I love playing the xbox baked I play a lot of shooting games, dont really feel like listing them